Version 8: April 6, 2020
Louisiana Tech University Computing Center
Lab Consultant and Helpdesk Application
Summary of Positions
A Lab Consultant is required to organize printouts and troubleshoot basic printer problems. A lab consultant must have a basic knowledge of
Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010, Moodle, Webmail, and BOSS to be able to answer students’ questions. He/she must be able to courteously
approach a student who is not following lab rules. A lab consultant must be able and willing to work at least one late night a week
(either 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. or 3 a.m. - 7 a.m.).
The Helpdesk Consultant position requires troubleshooting computer, network and printer problems. He/she must be able to handle phone calls and
deskside support professionally while correctly and clearly answering questions. This position requires significant training, so applicants must be
available for work for one full academic year without interruption.
All positions: A consultant must attend a scheduling meeting the day before each quarter begins. He/she may not work any other on-campus job and
must do other jobs as assigned. Every on-campus worker must at least maintain a 2.0 GPA. This form must be filled out completely and legibly to be
considered for any position.
General information
IMPORTANT: Check the position(s) for which you wish to be Lab Consultant Helpdesk Consultant
considered. Failure to do so may disqualify your application.
Name (First then Last) Local Mailing Address
Tech Email Address Telephone Number
Major/Classification Expected Quarter and Year of Graduation Current GPA
If you have attended other school(s) for this degree, or have other degree(s), indicate it here:
Can you work during the summer? Yes No
Past work experience (last three):
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Business Address Phone Number
Position Name Dates Employed Reason for Leaving
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Business Address Phone Number
Position Name Dates Employed Reason for Leaving
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Business Address Phone Number
Position Name Dates Employed Reason for Leaving
Version 8: April 6, 2020
List three references, preferably work-related. Failure to LIST ALL THREE may disqualify your application:
1. _________________________________________________________________
Name Phone Number Relationship
2. _________________________________________________________________
Name Phone Number Relationship
3. _________________________________________________________________
Name Phone Number Relationship
Computer-related questions
(Failure to answer any question may disqualify your application.)
1. List any operating systems with which you are familiar. Be specific. For example, write Windows 10, 7; Mint; Mac OS
Catalina instead of Windows, Linux, Mac.
2. List any software with which you have had experience, and describe what you have done with that software. Include any
webpage experience and/or languages. For example: Word: typed school papers and created macros; Dreamweaver,
knowledge of PHP.
3. If you have had any experience troubleshooting computer problems, list it here. Explain the method you would use to fix a
computer problem (in general).
4. List any other relevant experience, classes, including certifications.
If you have any additional information or a résumé, submit it attached to this completed application.
You will be contacted ONLY if there is a position available for which you are best qualified.
I certify the above information on both pages is correct and authorize verification on all of the above. I
understand any false information above can result in not hiring me or, if hired, immediate termination.
(The checkbox must be checked and you must print and sign below to be considered for a position.)
Signature Date