Louisiana State University
Office of Accounting Services
Accounts Payable & Travel
217 Thomas Boyd Hall
Request Date:
As outlined in the budget memo dated April 13, 2020, the university has instituted a spending
freeze on unrestricted funds for all but the most essential expenditures. Exceptions to this spending
freeze will be granted to items essential to the mission and the continued operations of the university,
items related to health/life safety issues, and any expenditures required to remain compliant with
state and federal laws and regulations. Written justification and approval from a Vice President, Vice
Provost, Dean, Director, Department Head, or Chair is required via the form below. This form must be
included as part of the supporting cost documentation for each transaction.
Please indicate the exemption category that applies:
Essential to the mission and the continued operation of the university’s core functions
Related to health/life safety issues
Necessary to remain compliant with state and federal laws or regulations
Please provide a written justification for the purchase:
I certify that this purchase is essential to the continued operations of the department.
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Submitted by:
Vice President,
Vice Provost,
Dean, Director,
Department Chair
or Department