Lorain County Community College Office of Student Life
All organizations/individuals shall register with the Office of Student Life the names of the individuals directing sales,
solicitation, or fund raising and the time period for the activity. Persons not affiliated with LCCC may not engage in
sales or solicitation among the general population while on LCCC property unless approved by the Office of Student
Life or another LCCC department office. (Please Submit Form 2 Weeks Prior to Requested Dates)
Name of Vendor/Organization:
All vendors are charged $25.00 per day/per table
No rental fee for LCCC Department & Nonprofit
Table rental fee is due ON or BEFORE the FIRST DATE OF REQUESTED VISIT. We accept cash, check or credit
card. For credit card payments please stop by the Office of Student Life (CC206) or contact at (440) 366-4036.
Are you affiliated with an LCCC club/organization? Yes_____ No_____
If yes, please provide name:
Purpose for request: ________________________________________________________________________________
Will there be distribution/sales of any items? Yes_____ No_____
If so, what? _______________________________________________________________________________________
Food Waiver Request form must be submitted 2 weeks in advance to be approved by Director of Dining Services, if
bringing in a food item.
Number of Tables Needed________ Number of Chairs Needed _______ Other ( Electrical, AV)____________
_________________________________________ Any other needs? _______________________________________
(Manning table or display)
Please share how you learned of this campus table rental opportunity: LCCC Website Other (please explain)