Local Road Improvement Program
2020 Application Form
State Aid for Local Transportation
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G. Estimated Project Cost
1. LRIP Request:
2. Federal Funds:
3. State Aid Funds:
4. Local/Other Funds:
5. MnDOT Trunk Highway Funds:
6. Total Project Cost:
At least one project location map with routes and project termini labeled
Engineer’s Estimate with an itemized breakdown
Project schedule
Local agency resolution
Resolution of support from sponsoring county agreeing to be sponsor and agreeing to perform sponsor
tasks as identified above in section “Project Selection” (required for applications by townships and cities
under 5,000 population)
Other letters of concurrence or support
When you are ready to submit the application, save the application form with LRIP, agency and road in the name
of the document; e.g. LRIP_RamseyCounty_CSAH30.pdf.
The application and attachments are due by 4:00 p.m. on March 3, 2021. Applications and attachments should
be submitted electronically to saltirhelp.dot@state.mn.us
. Please limit the file size transmitted via email to no
more than 10 MB. State Aid will send a reply acknowledging receipt of the application. If you haven’t received a
reply from State Aid within a few days of submittal, send an email to
saltirhelp.dot@state.mn.us to inquire
about the status of the application.
More information is available at:
• LRIP website at: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/lrip.html
• PowerPoint on LRIP at: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/training/lrip.pptx
If you have questions regarding this solicitation, contact Marc Briese at 651-366-3802 or