Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 3
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
Rating Evidence
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
2. Adhering to Legal Provisions of Supports and Services in Inclusive Settings with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
2a. Does your school district ensure inclusive settings are
meaningfully discussed for each child as the first option to
consider during the IEP placement decision-making
2b. Does your school district ensure staff write individual goals
and outcomes so they can be met with the provision of
services and supports within daily routines in inclusive
2c. Does your school district ensure early childhood teachers
and providers, child development specialists, and related
services providers, as appropriate, are included in IEP
teams, with parental permission?
2d. Does your school district ensure early childhood teachers
understand the strategies needed to meet children’s goals,
and their role in helping children reach their goals?
2e. Does your school district ensure classroom teachers and
providers understand how to access specialized services
and supports as needed?
3. Assess and Improve the Quality of Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs
3a. Do your schools and early childhood programs use
environmental assessments of their early childhood
programs to ensure that there are appropriate
accommodations and supports for children with disabilities
to be able to reach their goals?
3b. Do your schools and early childhood programs include
assessments of inclusive practices in addition to existing
environmental assessments to ensure children with
disabilities have access to and participate in these