Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 1
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment February 1, 2018
Adapted by the ECTA and DaSy Centers from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education’s
Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs
Debbie Cate, Penny Dell and Kathy Whaley
“With the support of States, leaders in LEAs, schools, early childhood programs, and family child care networks can strive toward providing high-
quality early learning experiences for all young children. Leaders can adopt a culture of inclusion, set expectations for services to be provided in
inclusive settings to the extent appropriate per child need, establish fair and appropriate policies, allocate existing resources in ways that facilitate
increased access to inclusive early childhood programs, and prioritize workforce development. Early childhood leaders can serve as community-
wide leaders for inclusion, by convening a diverse coalition of inclusion champions who can implement a culture of inclusion across the entire
U.S. Departments of HHS and ED Policy Statement on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs
This self-assessment tool provides a framework for discussion to promote partnerships among schools and early care and education providers to
promote the inclusion of young children with disabilities and their families in early childhood programs. We recommend forming a cross-sector team
to complete the self-assessment. As the team considers each item, reflect on your experience working together to provide services to young
children and families. Once the tool is completed, decide which item(s) will be a priority for future action to improve the quality of services.
Remember that all voices are important to moving a partnership forward. Early childhood programs are defined as Early Childhood Special
Education, Early Intervention, Head Start, Early Headstart State Pre-Kindergarten, Child Care, Title I Preschool, and other programs.
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
1. Partnering with Families
1a. Do your schools and early childhood programs
intentionally plan and assess how they are partnering with
1b. Do your schools and early childhood programs ensure all
families are knowledgeable about the benefits of inclusion,
understand their rights and how to navigate the systems
that serve their children?
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 2
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
1. Partnering with Families (continued)
1c. Do your schools and early childhood programs know how
to connect families to the parent training and information
centers (PTIs) and other family support programs?
1d. Do your schools and early childhood programs provide
specific resources on:
Inclusion in early childhood programs?
Individualized supports and services to support
children’s unique needs?
1e. Do your schools and early childhood programs make the
information in 1d. available and accessible to all families,
including those with limited English proficiency?
1f. Do your schools and early childhood programs include
families in advocacy efforts, and public information
initiatives, including inclusion forums and conferences?
1g. Do your school and early childhood program staff have
ongoing conversations with families on their children’s
learning and development, screening and assessment,
and the family’s perspective of their children?
1h. Do your schools and early childhood programs build staff
capacity to promote family engagement, including
respecting and incorporating families’ cultures,
preferences, and priorities?
1i. Do your schools and early childhood programs ensure that
administrators and all staff promote a culture of inclusion
and interface with families respectfully?
1j. Do your schools and early childhood programs provide
continuous professional development to teachers and
providers on forming strong goal-oriented relationships
with families that are linked to their child’s development,
learning, and wellness?
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 3
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
Rating Evidence
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
2. Adhering to Legal Provisions of Supports and Services in Inclusive Settings with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
2a. Does your school district ensure inclusive settings are
meaningfully discussed for each child as the first option to
consider during the IEP placement decision-making
2b. Does your school district ensure staff write individual goals
and outcomes so they can be met with the provision of
services and supports within daily routines in inclusive
2c. Does your school district ensure early childhood teachers
and providers, child development specialists, and related
services providers, as appropriate, are included in IEP
teams, with parental permission?
2d. Does your school district ensure early childhood teachers
understand the strategies needed to meet children’s goals,
and their role in helping children reach their goals?
2e. Does your school district ensure classroom teachers and
providers understand how to access specialized services
and supports as needed?
3. Assess and Improve the Quality of Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs
3a. Do your schools and early childhood programs use
environmental assessments of their early childhood
programs to ensure that there are appropriate
accommodations and supports for children with disabilities
to be able to reach their goals?
3b. Do your schools and early childhood programs include
assessments of inclusive practices in addition to existing
environmental assessments to ensure children with
disabilities have access to and participate in these
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 4
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
3. Assess and Improve the Quality of Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs (continued)
3c. Do your schools and early childhood programs use
environmental and programmatic assessment results to
guide TA and professional development efforts?
3d. Do your schools and early childhood programs, including
school district programs, participate in the state Quality
Rating and Information System (QRIS)?
4. Review and Modify Resource Allocation
4a. Does your school district, in collaboration with early
childhood programs, use funds to provide services in
inclusive programs with typically developing peers?
4b. Does your school district, in collaboration with early
childhood programs, target resources to promote the use
of evidence-based and recommended practices?
4c. Does your school district, in collaboration with early
childhood programs, allocate resources to support some
early childhood special educators shifting to provide
itinerant and consultative services to teachers and
4d. Does your school district, in collaboration with early
childhood programs, use professional development
resources to expand access to training and coaching,
specific to supporting all children with disabilities?
5. Enhance Professional Development
5a. Do schools and early childhood programs ensure staff
have knowledge of the skills they need to foster the
development of all children, such as:
Culturally and linguistically responsive practices?
Positive attitudes and beliefs about inclusion and
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 5
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
5. Enhance Professional Development (continued)
5b. Do schools and early childhood programs ensure staff
have a strong understanding of the principles of universal
design as a framework for flexible and accessible
instructional practices, materials, and environments?
5c. Do schools and early childhood programs have the
necessary infrastructure and supports in place, such as
coaching and mentoring to enable continuous professional
development and improvement of leaders and staff?
5d. Do schools and early childhood programs offer
opportunities to participate in professional development
about inclusive practices and curricular programming to
other early childhood partners?
6. Establish an Appropriate Staffing Structure and Strengthen Staff Collaboration
6a. Do schools and early childhood programs have staffing
structures established that include staff collaboration and
possible shifts in resources and systems?
6b. Do schools and early childhood programs, where children
with IEPs attend, have support from special education
teachers and related service providers?
6c. Do schools and early childhood programs ensure special
education teachers and related service providers partner
with classroom staff to observe, model and share
strategies for helping children with disabilities on an
ongoing or periodic basis?
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 6
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
6. Establish an Appropriate Staffing Structure and Strengthen Staff Collaboration (continued)
6d. Do schools and early childhood programs have personnel
designated to oversee the children’s goals, coordinate and
connect families to services, and help families navigate
services for their children?
7. Ensure Access to Specialized Supports
7a. Do school districts ensure access to specialized supports
to meet the diverse needs of teachers, children and
7b. Do school districts ensure specialists work with early
childhood staff to adapt the program’s environment,
activities, and instructional support to promote full
participation of children with disabilities?
7c. Do school districts ensure specialists assist programs by
conducting classroom observations, developing strategies
and behavior support plans to meet children’s goals and
connect children, families, and staff to additional support
services, as needed?
7d. Do school districts ensure that specialists and other early
childhood staff collaborate and coordinate so that
personnel working with the children are aware of goals,
strategies, and child progress?
8. Develop Formal Collaborations with Community Partners
8a. Do your schools and early childhood programs have
formal agreements to guide the provision of services to
children with disabilities?
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 7
Rating Scale: 1. Not yet 2. Planning but not implemented 3. In process and/or partially implemented 4. In place/fully implemented
What does it look like?
Comments (e.g., Next Steps,
Status, Prioritization)
8. Develop Formal Collaborations with Community Partners (continued)
8b. Do your schools and early childhood programs have
partnerships with community organizations that provide
services to children with disabilities to promote inclusion?
8c. Do your schools and early childhood programs collaborate
and coordinate with health partners, such as the medical
home and other health care providers? For example, do
your programs collaborate and coordinate to improve
screening, evaluation, and referral processes?
8d. Do your schools and early childhood programs have
access to or provide wrap-around services providing
intensive coordinated community based services designed
to meet children’s social-emotional and behavioral health
8e. Do your schools and early childhood programs have
formal agreements between early childhood programs,
schools, and family child care networks that support
alignment and coordination among the programs to help
facilitate transitions from inclusive early childhood
programs to inclusive elementary school settings?
Next Steps
Analyze the self-assessment to determine where you want to begin to focus on improvement.
Develop a Strategic Plan of Action collaboratively with your partners to ensure intentional inclusive opportunities for children exist in your
school district.
Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment 8
Please cite as:
Cate, D., Dell, P., & Whaley, K. (2018). Local district preschool inclusion self-assessment. Retrieved from
The contents of these documents were developed under cooperative agreement, #H326P120002 (ECTA) and grant
#H373Z120002 (DaSy) from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents
do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the
Federal Government.
ECTA Center Project Officer: Julia Martin Eile DaSy Center Project Officers: Meredith Miceli and Richelle Davis