Little Priest Tribal College
Be Strong and Educate My Children
Office of Personnel and Payroll
Employee Warning Notice
Employee Name __________________________________________ Date_______________________
Employee ID__________________________ Job Title _____________________________________
Supervisor____________________________ Department___________________________________
Verbal Warning Written Warning Final Warning
Tardiness/Leaving Early Absenteeism Missed Punch
Consecutive/Non-Consecutive Days Missed Unexcused No Call/No Show
Description of Infraction: ______________________________________________________________
Plan for Improvement: ________________________________________________________________
Consequences of Further Infractions: ____________________________________________________
By signing this form, you confirm that you understand the information in this warning. You also confirm that you
and your supervisor have discussed the warning and a plan for improvement. Signing this form does not necessarily
indicate that you agree with this warning.
Employee Signature Date
Supervisor Signature Date
Witness Signature (if employee understands warning but refuses to sign) Date