Version 2018.1
14. Ownership Certificates (continued)
Regulation 6 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990
I certify/ The applicant certifies that:
• Certificate A cannot be issued for this application
• All reasonable steps have been taken to find out the names and addresses of everyone else who, on the day 21 days before the
date of this application, was the owner* of any part of the land to which this application relates, but I have/ the applicant has been
unable to do so.
* “owner” is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run.
The steps taken were:
On the following date (which must not be earlier
than 21 days before the date of the application):
Notice of the application has been published in the following newspaper
(circulating in the area where the land is situated):
Or signed - Agent:
Signed - Applicant:
15. Planning Application Requirements - Checklist
Please read the following checklist to make sure you have sent all the information in support of your proposal. Failure to submit all
information required will result in your application being deemed invalid. It will not be considered valid until all information required by
the Local Planning Authority (LPA) has been submitted.
The original and 3 copies* of a completed and dated
application form:
The original and 3 copies* of a plan which identifies the
land to which the application relates and drawn to an
identified scale and showing the direction of North:
The original and 3 copies* of other plans and drawings or
information necessary to describe the subject of the application:
The original and 3 copies* of the completed dated
Ownership Certificate (A, B, C, or D - as applicable):
The original and 3 copies* of a design and access statement,
if required (see help text and guidance notes for details):
*National legislation specifies that the applicant must provide the original plus three copies of the form and supporting documents (a
total of four copies), unless the application is submitted electronically or, the LPA indicate that a smaller number of copies is required.
LPAs may also accept supporting documents in electronic format by post (for example, on a CD, DVD or USB memory stick).
You can check your LPA's website for information or contact their planning department to discuss these options.
16. Declaration
I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional
information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the
genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.
Or signed - Agent:Signed - Applicant: Date (DD/MM/YYYY):
(date cannot be
17. Applicant Contact Details
Telephone numbers
Country code:
National number:
Country code:
Mobile number (optional):
Country code:
Fax number (optional):
Email address (optional):
18. Agent Contact Details
Telephone numbers
Country code:
National number:
Country code:
Mobile number (optional):
Country code:
Fax number (optional):
Email address (optional):