Title of project:
PI name Department
Funding agency Proposal due date
% time Salary Benefits Total
% time Salary Benefits Total
Other cost sharing (For B-E below, please attach a statement describing how value was reached/share will be documented)
Third party contribution (Please attach letter(s) of commitment) Amount
Rate specified by funding agency; indicate rate here:
Director, OSRP
Unrecovered F&A (indirect) costs
Check below for how the F&A rate was calculated
VSU rate (MTDC x 44.00%)
Source of fundsName(s) of employee(s) sharing time
Supplemental/summer pay, part time/full time staff, trainees/assistants
Name(s) of employee(s) sharing time Source of funds
Source of funds
D. Travel
Total cost share
Chair, Deparment of Project
Dean, College of Project
Virginia State University Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
Pre-award Request for Institutional Support (Cost Sharing)
Note: The OSRP practice is to make a cost-sharing commitment only when required by the sponsor or because of the
competitive nature of the grant program. Further, cost share may be committed only to the extent necessary to meet the agency
requirements and the proposed project. OSRP must have written verification of the sponsor’s cost sharing requirements. The
PI/PD must maintain sufficient documentation to substantiate the actual cost sharing contribution and forward to OSRP as
required to verify the commitment is satisfied. All cost sharing documentation is subject to an internal audit conducted by the
University and/or an external audit by the granting agency.
Link to an Excel version of this form.
Cost share is required by the sponsor
Cost sharing is based on the the competitive nature of the grant program
Adminstrators/faculty release