FORM WFI.HIPAA1.EF1/16 © 2016 Welcome Funds Inc
TOLL-FREE: 877.227.4484
PHONE: 561.862.0244
FAX: 561.862.0242
I, __________________________________ (the undersigned individual/primary insured), DOB____________SS#_________________,
hereby authorize disclosure, as defined under the privacy regulations promulgated pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996, of my protected health information (“PHI”) as follows:
1. Classes of Persons Authorized to Disclose My PHI. I authorize each doctor, hospital, laboratory, nurse, pharmacy, pharmacy
benefits manager, physician, physician practice group, insurance organization and any other type of health care provider (each, an
“Authorized HCP”) having any PHI about me to disclose any and all of my PHI as provided under this authorization. I authorize
each Authorized HCP to rely upon a photostatic or facsimile copy or other reproduction of this authorization.
2. Classes of Persons Authorized to Receive My PHI. I authorize each Authorized HCP to disclose my PHI under this authorization
to WELCOME FUNDS INC including a) any of its affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, corporate parents, independent contractors,
consultants, service providers and authorized representatives and the officers, directors and employees of each, and b) to any other
person or entity required or compelled by law to receive or view such PHI to evaluate, facilitate, underwrite and solicit bids for the
sale of my life insurance policy(ies), including but not limited to medical underwriters, lenders, financing entities, buyers of life
insurance policies, life expectancy providers and stop-loss re-insurers and his or their affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, corporate
parents, independent contractors, consultants, service providers and authorized representatives and the officers, directors and
employees of each (each, an “Authorized Recipient”). I understand that my PHI may be secured by and electronically transmitted to
an Authorized Recipient, including but not limited to transmission via e-mail and posting to a password protected, secure website.
Description of PHI Authorized for Disclosure and Purpose of Disclosure. This authorization shall apply to any and all of my
health and
medical data, information and records, whether or not personally or individually identifiable or protected under any
federal or state confidentiality or privacy laws or regulations. This authorization and all disclosures of my PHI made under this
authorization are for purposes of allowing the Authorized Recipient to a) evaluate and/or underwrite my health status or life
expectancy; and/or b) monitor, track or verify my health status in connection with any life insurance policy under which my life is
insured that an Authorized Recipient, or any other person or entity, purchases. I hereby authorize the disclosure of my health
information as described above. I understand the information disclosed may include information relating to Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases, psychiatric care,
mental health services, genetic testing, and/or treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.
4. Expiration of Authorization. This authorization shall remain valid until, and shall expire, one year after the date of my death or the
maximum period as allowed by state or federal law.
5. Right to Revoke Authorization. I acknowledge and understand that I may revoke this authorization any time with respect to any
Authorized HCP by notifying such Authorized HCP in writing of my revocation of this authorization and delivering my revocation
by mail or personal delivery at such address designated to me by such Authorized HCP; provided, that, any revocation of this
authorization shall not apply to the extent that the Authorized HCP has taken action in reliance upon this authorization prior to
receiving written notice of my revocation.
6. Inability to Condition Treatment, Payment, Enrollment or Eligibility for Benefits on Provision of Authorization. No
Authorized HCP or other covered entity may condition my treatment, payment, enrollment or eligibility for benefits on whether I sign
this authorization.
I understand that a) this Authorization is not a consent or an authorization requested by a health care provider, health care clearinghouse
or health plan covered by the privacy regulations promulgated pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996 (the “HIPAA Privacy Regulations”); b) as a result of this Authorization, there is the potential for my PHI that is disclosed by any
Authorized HCP to an Authorized Recipient to be subject to re-disclosure by the Authorized Recipient and my PHI that is disclosed to
such Authorized Recipient may no longer be protected by the HIPAA Privacy Regulations; and c) my ongoing health status may be
tracked as a result of this Authorization.
I certify that I am executing and delivering this authorization freely and unilaterally and that all information contained in this
authorization is true and correct. I further certify that this authorization is written in plain language and that I have received and retained a
copy of this signed authorization for future reference.
List of Authorized Disclosers (AD) (Hospitals, Doctors, Etc.):
Authorized by:
___________________________________________ _________________________________ ________
Signature of Individual (Primary Insured) Printed Name Date
___________________________________________ _________________________________ ________
Signature of Legal Representative of Primary Insured (if any) Printed Name Date
Description of Legal Representative’s Authority (if any): _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(POA, Guardian ad Litem or similar status – Please attach legal documents for verification)