A) Feedback Section
The supervisor and/or the employee may request feedback from faculty and staff members
who work closely with the employee. The employee will have the right to review the written
feedback after the name of the author has been removed.
Individuals can offer feedback using one or a combination of the following:
1) Complete the Annual Performance Review Questionnaire.
2) Submit a written narrative describing their interactions with and assessment of the
3) Provide an oral report to the supervisor.
B) Professional Development
1) The supervisor and the employee may separately draft the information for the
professional development form, or
2) The supervisor and the employee may use the evaluation meeting to jointly
complete the sections.
The performance evaluation part of the process is evaluative and retrospective. The forward
thinking and planning aspect of determining goals, expectations, a plan of action and necessary
resources is extremely important .
C) Support Staff Evaluation Form
1) The supervisor may complete the ranking section independent of input from the
employee and set a private meeting to discuss the evaluation with the employee,
2) The supervisor and the employee may both complete the ranking section
independently and set a private meeting to discuss the ranking section and
complete one evaluation to be maintained in the formal employee record. If the
supervisor and the employee are unable to reach agreement on the performance
ranking of any category, the supervisor’s ranking will prevail.
In both of the above scenarios it is recommended that the employee be given a copy of the
supervisor's ratings 2-3 days prior to the evaluation meeting in order to prepare responses.
Superviosrs have some flexibility. They may add categories to the evaluation, mark a rating
between two categories and/or supplement the form with a narrative description. Make it work
for your individual situation. Some supervisors create a simple form listing major
responsibilities or expectations on one side and how well the employee performed them on
the other.
Once completed and discussed, the employee and the first and second level supervisor sign
the forms. Employees must also sign the accompanying document pertaining to the College's
Code of Ethics, and attach it to the evaluation. Send the signed form to Human Resources for
inclusion in the employee’s personnel file. The employee’s signature indicates that the
evaluation has been discussed. The signature does not necessarily indicate agreement. The
employee may request that his/her own written comments be attached to the performance
evaluation and included in his/her personnel file.