Lewis & Clark College
College Housing Program
Request to be Included on Mailing List
This request is a non-binding document. It is an expression of interest only intended to
enable the College to serve its employees more effectively. Persons who decide to
purchase a home under the College Housing Program will be asked to sign a purchase
agreement and, a lease and other documents to effect a purchase. The College will accept
applications to finance mortgages for qualified buyers. Please complete, scan and email
this form back to Billy Walker at bwalker@lclark.edu.
Please check the College Housing Program website for additional details:
Please enter my name on your list of parties interested in purchasing a home under the
College Housing Program.
NAME: ____________________________________ Hire Date:___________________
POSITION (Include Title, if faculty, indicate CAS/GRAD/LAW, Assistant/Associate):
Do you currently own a home? _________ If so, where? _____________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________
Home Telephone: ________________________ Office Telephone: ________________
Email: _________________________________ 2
Email: ______________________
Attach a one-page statement identifying how living close to campus will facilitate
your future contributions to the co-curricular life of the College.
I have ranked my interest in the house(s) located at: (1
) _______________________,
) ______________________________, (3
) _______________________________
Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ________________
Updated: March 18, 2014
J:\Business Office Auxiliary Services\College HousingProperty Transactions\Forms\Interest Party Form Mar 2014.docx