Check this box if you or your spouse had health coverage at least one day during the 60 days before getting married.
Who was married? List their names.
When were these people married?
____ / ____ / ______
Is there any other information you’d like to include about this marriage?
Why can’t you submit the requested documents?
Denial of Medicaid or CHIP Coverage
Who was denied coverage through Medicaid or CHIP? List names of everyone on
your application who was denied.
When were these people denied coverage?
____ / ____ / ______
Why can’t you submit the requested documents?
Adoption, Foster Care Placement, or Court Order
Who was adopted, placed in foster care, or became a dependent through a court order?
List names of everyone on your application who this applies to.
When did this event happen?
____ / ____ / ______
Is there any other information you’d like to include about the adoption, foster care placement, or court order?
Why can’t you submit the requested documents?
You have the right to get Marketplace information in an accessible format, like large print, Braille, or audio. You also have the
right to file a complaint if you feel you’ve been discriminated against. Visit
website/cmsnondiscriminationnotice.html, or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 for more information.
TTY users can call 1-855-889-4325.
Paid for by the Department of Health & Human Services.
CMS Product No. 12008
Revised September 2019