Addendum 1 Confidentiality Agreement
I a
cknowledge that I have been advised, informed, and otherwise trained
by:___________________________________________________(“the Firm”) and that all information and
documents that I may
have knowledge of or access to through my mentorship with the Firm are strictly confidential.
I ag
ree at all times to treat as confidential all information acquired through the Firm, and not to disclose the
same except as authorized by the Firm or by law. I acknowledge that such information is not to be altered,
copied, interfered with
or destroyed, except upon authorization and in accordance with the policy of the Firm
and in accordance with the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct. I will not discuss such information with any
party, nor will I participate in or permit the release, publication or disclosure of such information, nor will I copy,
photograph, scan, email, distribute, or disseminate
such information, except as authorized by the Firm or by law.
I u
nderstand that this agreement includes:
never discussing the personality of a client, his or her file or any details thereof with
anyone other than
a member of the Firm;
avoiding the use of names of clients in conversations with other clients, friends or relatives;
ensuring that disclosures of information are made only to persons entitled to that
information; and
ensuring that conversations relating to clients or other Firm business are not conducted
in public areas
where conversations may be overheard.
I u
nderstand and acknowledge that I am required to honor the provisions of the Wyoming Rules of Professional
Conduct in matters of confidentiality of information in the same manner as all the lawyers in the Firm, even after
I have left the mentorship
of the Firm (Rule 1.9(c)(2)).
I u
nderstand that compliance with the confidentiality requirements of the Firm is a condition of my
in the program and that failure to comply with the policy may result in termination of my mentorship with the
y signature serves as an acknowledgment that I understand my obligation to determine and comply with the rules
of professional conduct that define my obligations in the work I am assigned by the Firm. If I have questions about
my obligations under the applicable laws, rules and policies, I will consult my supervisory attorney.
SIGNED this _ day of , 20 .
Addendum 2 Supervisor Evaluation
Legal Liftoff - Supervisor Evaluation
Supervisor: _____________________________________________________________
Firm Name: _____________________________________________________________
Contact Information: _____________________________________________________
Overall Impression of the Program:
Improvements to the Program?:
Overall Ranking of Student Performance, Poor (1) to Excellent (10):
Number of Days and Approximate Number of Hours of participation:
Activities Student Participated in:
Plans to follow up with student in future?
Final Thoughts:
Please submit this form upon completion of the Legal Liftoff program to:
Addendum 3 – Mentee Objectives
Legal LiftoffObjectives to be completed, PRIOR to beginning placement with the mentor
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________
Firm Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Contact Information: ____________________________________________________________
Objectives for participation:
Questions to ask mentor, staff, other attorneys, etc.:
Expectations of Events to Participate in:
Number of Days and Approximate Number of Hours of anticipated participation:
Final Thoughts:
Please submit this form one week PRIOR to beginning of the Legal Liftoff program to:
Addendum 4 – Mentee Evaluation
Legal Liftoff - Mentee Evaluation
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________
Firm Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Contact Information: ____________________________________________________________
Overall Impression of the Program:
Improvements to the Program?:
Overall Ranking of Attorney/Judge Supervision and Engagement, Poor (1) to Excellent (10):
Number of Days and Approximate Number of Hours of participation:
Answers to questions you anticipated asking:
Activities You Participated in:
Plans to follow up with attorney in future?
Final Thoughts:
Please submit this form upon completion of the Legal Liftoff program to:
Addendum 5 – Conversation Starters
Questions for Mentors by Mentees: What is one thing that you have always wanted to know regarding
the practice of law?
o How do you stay focused and avoid burnout after years of practice?
o Why some lawyers continue to find the business rewarding and interesting, but many others burn
out or become disillusioned.
o Why do we go about the day-to-day business of the private practice of law as if we are running a
sprint instead of a 40-year marathon?
o Pet peeves of WY supreme court justices Pet peeves of WY district court justices Pet peeves of
clerks (at district and appellate levels)
o Best practices re: oral argument
o Why are so many lawyers unhappy with the profession?
o Why is family law not treated the same as other civil law matters (i.e. the rules of civil procedure
o How to be a better marketer/How to get clients.
o What makes a really good summary judgment brief?
o If you had it to do over, would you still go to law school?
o How to deal with inconsistent judges.
o How do you know when you are right about an issue, case, or client?
o How to manage the business side of the practice.
o Where did you learn about law firm finances, billing, revenue etc.
o How to better screen out bad cases/clients before committing to taking them.
o How judges put personal dislikes against an attorney aside to rule fairly?
Mentors: Insights from Attorneys who have been practicing awhile, feel free to use this as a starting point
for a conversation.
o I wish I had known how essential time management and prioritization is to successfully handling
law practice.
o It's less dignified then I thought it would be. There's way too much running around like a chicken
with your head cut off.
o That the practice of law is not solely about litigating. An attorney has multiple roles that he or she
must utilize to the benefit of the client Also, you have a lot to learn after law school.
o The on-the-job training will prove invaluable to the information you learned in law school.
o The key to enjoying the practice of law (at least in a litigation environment) is to figure out what is
and is not worth fighting about. Then you fight hard on the important stuff and just concede the
unimportant stuff.
o How to run a law firm.
o How hard you need to work and the sacrifices that come with it (e.g. loss of flexibility in schedule)
o Stressing does not change anything, so do not do it.
o That some attorneys should have not passed the bar, but you will still have to deal with them.
o There's always more work, but there's never enough life
o Advertising, marketing, getting clients
o How time consuming it is.
o How important people skills are to success in the private practice of law.
o The pros and cons of solo practice versus small firm versus large firm versus government versus
corporate/in house counsel law.
o That writing is a big deal.
Questions by Mentors to Mentees:
o What can you do to use your profession to make this community a better place?
o What goals do you have for your career? Short term, intermediate and long term?
o What are your top 3 personal goals vs. top 3 professional goals? Are they complimentary?
o What can the profession do to make you enjoy your work more?
o How do you become part of the solution rather than part of the problem?
o Could you help me with this technology stuff? Every time I learn how to work something, they
change it on me.
o How they envision succession planning.
o I would ask them to think about the kind of opposing counsel they want to be known as, or in other
words what reputation do you want in this state? There are some attorneys in Wyoming that when
they are of the other side, you roll your eyes and know you are going to fight about everything,
even if there is no advantage to the fight. On the other hand, there are some attorneys who you
know that you will work together on the procedural matters that give no advantage to either party,
and just fight about the important legal issues.
o Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
o Are you having fun?
o Does he/she understands the demands of trial law, and are they prepared.
o Why do you want to be a lawyer?
o What do you think the future high demand practice areas are?
o How can I help you?
o Are you willing to commit what it takes to be an excellent lawyer throughout your career?
o Have you thought about what you expect from your legal career?
o Why did you decide to come a lawyer when rates of employment and pay have decreased?
Request for Pro Bono
CLE Credit
AƩ orney Name _______________________________________________________ AƩ orney # ________________
P.O. Box 109, Cheyenne, WY 82003 (307) 632-9061 Fax: (307) 632-3737
I am requesƟ ng pro bono CLE credit for:
Delivery of legal services for no fee or for a substanƟ ally reduced fee to persons of limited means
Mentoring an aƩ orney or law student in the delivery of pro bono legal services*
ParƟ cipaƟ on in acƟ viƟ es for improving the law, the legal system or the legal profession
*Name of aƩ orney/law student (if applicable) ________________________________________________________
(This person may be contacted for veri caƟ on.)
*Phone Number of aƩ orney/law student (if applicable) _________________________________________________
Total hours spent: __________ including __________
DescripƟ on of pro bono services provided: ___________________________________________________________
(see Rule 5(d) of the CLE rules and Rule 6.1 of the Rules of Professional Conduct)
According to Rule 5(d) of the Rules of the Wyoming State Board of ConƟ nuing Legal EducaƟ on, an aƩ orney may receive
a maximum of ve hours of legal educaƟ on credit each calendar year for providing pro bono public service as de ned
in Rule 6.1 of the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct. Such credit may be received at the rate of one credit hour
for each two hours of pro bono public service, including (1) performing pro bono public service, (2) acƟ ng as a mentor
for another aƩ orney who is performing pro bono public service, and (3) acƟ ng as a mentor for an eligible law student in
accordance with Rule 9 of the Rules Governing the Wyoming State Bar and the Authorized PracƟ ce of Law.
AƩ orneys Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________________________
Return completed form to:
Wyoming State Bar
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003-0109
Fax: (307) 632-3737
For O ce Use Only:
Approved: ____________________Date: ________________________
CLE Hours Approved: ________________________________________
general ethics
Addendum 6 – Pro Bono CLE Credit
click to sign
click to edit
I, ____________________, an active member of the Wyoming State Bar, agree to
supervise _________________ as an intern in accordance with Rule 9, Rules Governing the
Wyoming State Bar and the Authorized Practice Law.
I understand that the eligible law student
may engage, as an intern, in the limited practice of law if the person to be represented consents in
writing to legal assistance to be provided by the student under my general supervision. My duties
as a Supervising Attorney are as follow:
(1) assume personal professional
for and supervision of the student's
(2) assist the student to the extent necessary to ensure that the student's participation
is effective on behalf of any client represented;
(3) sign all pleadings, briefs, and other documents prepared for a case and delivered
to any tribunal for which representation is
pursuant to these rules;
(4) appear with the student in all trials and administrative hearings, but the designated
supervising attorney need not be personally present in court in other matters, civil
or criminal, when the client consents thereto in writing and with approval of the court
in which the matter is pending;
(5) appear with the student at all other proceedings unless the attorney deems his or her
personal appearance unnecessary to assure proper supervision. This authorization
shall be made in writing and shall be available to the judge or other official
conducting the
upon request; and
(6) be present in court in any criminal matter in which the client has the right to
the assignment of counsel under any constitutional provision, statute, or rule of this
(7) A supervising attorney other than a law school clinic supervising attorney shall
not supervise m
ore than three (3) students at any time.
Addendum 7 – Rule 9 Documents
This certificate shall be filed with the clerk of the Supreme Court and with the Wyoming
State Bar and shall remain in effect until withdrawn.
This certificate is accompanied by an Affidavit of the above named law student that he/she
has read and is familiar with the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct, the Rules of the
Supreme Court of Wyoming, and the Wyoming statutes relating to the conduct of lawyers.
Executed at _______________________, Wyoming, on the ________ day of
________________, 20___.
The foregoing Certificate was acknowledged before me by________________________
this _________ day of _____________________, 20___.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
My commission expires:
Affidavit of Student or Eligible Graduate
I, , a Law Student or Eligible Graduate of the
University of Wyoming College of Law, hereby swear that I am familiar with and will comply
with the ethical standards set forth in the Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys at Law and
have read the content of the Certificate of Dean and understand and accept all terms set forth in
this document.
Signature of Law Student or Eligible Graduate
The foregoing Affidavit of Student or Eligible Graduate was acknowledged before me by
____________________ this _______ day of_______________, 2016.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
My commission expires: