The Canadian Financial
Security Program
Revolutionizing Financial Thinking
Legal Canadian
Will Kit
This is the Last Will and Testament of me, ___________________________________
________________________ of ________________________________ in the Province
of ________________________________ made the ______ day of ________ , _______ .
I REVOKE all former Wills, Codicils, or other Testamentary Dispositions by me at any
time and declare this to be and contain my Last Will and Testament.
I APPOINT _____________________________________________________________
of _________________________________________________________ in the Province
of _________________________________________ to be Executor of this my Last Will
and Testament.
BUT IF my said Executor should refuse to act, predecease me, or die within a period of
______ days following my death, THEN I APPOINT ___________________________
__________________________ of ___________________________________________
in the Province of ____________________________________ to be Executor of this my
Last Will and Testament.
I DIRECT all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid and satisfied
by my Executor as soon as conveniently may be after my death.
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LWAT
I APPOINT _____________________________________________________________
of _______________________________________________________ in the Province of
__________________________________ as Guardian(s) of my minor children, BUT IF
_______________________________________________________ should refuse to act,
predecease me, or die within __________ days following my death, THEN I APPOINT
_______________________________________________ of ______________________
______________________________ in the Province of __________________________
as Guardian(s) of my minor children.
I REQUEST that my Guardian(s):
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LWAT
IN WITNESS whereof I have set my hand the day and year written above.
This page was signed and the preceding pages were initialled by the Testator and
published and declared as and for his/her last Will and Testament in the presence of us
both present together at the same time who at his/her request and in his/her presence and
in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LWAT
I give my Executor the following POWERS:
I DISTRIBUTE my assets as such:
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LWAT
This document is made with the wish that it be honoured in all provinces in Canada and
is meant to fulfill the legal requisite of an Advance Health Care Directive, Health Care
Directive, Personal Directive, Authorization to Give Medical Consent, Continuing
Power of Attorney for Personal Care, and Representation Agreement for Health
To my family, my physician, my cleric, my lawyer, or any medical facility or person who
may become responsible for my health, welfare or affairs, let it be known that:
This is the Living Will and Medical Directive of:
currently residing in the Province of __________________________________________.
A. I REVOKE all former Living Wills, Personal Directives, or Advance Medical
Directives given by me at any time.
B. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless my Agent and anyone who acts in good faith at
the request of my Agent to fulfill my wishes expressed in this document.
C. I APPOINT __________________________________________________________
of ______________________________________________________ in the Province
of ________________________________________________ to be my Agent and to
make personal and health care decisions on my behalf if, and when, I no longer have
the mental or physical capacity to make such decisions myself.
D. If my appointed Agent is unwilling or unable to act on my behalf, then I appoint the
first person on the following list who is able and willing to serve as my Agent.
________________________________ of _______________________________
________________________________ of _______________________________
________________________________ of _______________________________
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LW
E. This directive will be IN EFFECT when, and only when, I am unable to make or
communicate my own decisions by speaking, writing or gesturing.
F. If my spouse has been designated as an Agent or Alternative Agent in this document
and if after the making of this document my spouse and I become legally separated or
divorced, any legal rights or powers granted to my spouse by this document shall be
G. Any reference to Agent in this document shall also apply to an Alternative Agent.
H. I grant to my Agent the absolute power and authority to make all decisions affecting
my health and welfare, and request that my Agent and all to whom he/she shall give
directions in these matters follow my wishes and instructions as given herein to the
best of my Agent’s interpretation of my wishes. In particular, but not restricted to, I
grant to my Agent the power and authority to: sign documents including releases,
permissions, or waivers; to review and disclose medical records; to hire and discharge
caregivers; to authorize admission to or release from medical facilities; and to consent
to, refuse or withdraw consent to any form of health care.
I. It is MY WISH that should a situation arise that there is no reasonable expectation of
my recovery and I am being kept alive by artificial or mechanical means, that ______
____________________________________________________________________ .
J. If it becomes necessary to appoint a Guardian of my person then I nominate my
Agent who is appointed in this document to be my Guardian.
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I declare when signing here that I am of sound mind, and that I understand the content of
this document and the power it gives to my Agent, and I declare that this document
represents my wishes.
Dated and signed this _______ day of ___________________ , 20B__ in the Province of
________________________________ .
Signed in the presence of:
Witness: (print) ___________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
Witness: (print) ___________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________
The Canadian Financial Security Program - LW
The authority given by this power of attorney shall continue in effect notwithstanding any subsequent
mental incapacity of the donor.
I, ______________________________________________________________________
of _________________________________________________________ in the Province
of _______________________________________ state:
I REVOKE all former Enduring Powers of Attorney previously given by me.
I APPOINT _____________________________________________________________
of _________________________________________________________ in the Province
of _____________________________________ to be my attorney.
BUT IF my said attorney should refuse to act, predecease me, or die within a period of
_____ days following my death, THEN I APPOINT ____________________________
__________________________ of ___________________________________________
in the Province of _________________________________________ to be my attorney.
This Power of Attorney will be EFFECTIVE __________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ .
The decision to activate this Power of Attorney shall be subject to the evaluation and
written declaration of ______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ .
The Canadian Financial Security Program - EPOA
My attorney has the POWER TO carry out the following:
My attorney is RESTRICTED FROM the following:
My attorney shall RECEIVE PAYMENT on the following terms:
If this Enduring Power of Attorney is the cause of any disagreement:
Dated at _________________________________________________ this _______ day
of _________ , 20B___ .
Witnessed by (print): _____________________________________
Signature of Witness: _____________________________________
Witnessed by (print): _____________________________________
Signature of Witness: _____________________________________
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