PO Box 818, Baytown, Texas 77522-0818
Non-Profit Org.
Baytown, TX
Permit No. 95
GRADES 3 - 12
Lee College Center for Workforce and Community Development
Permission/Emergency Registration Form
This form must be completed, including the parent or legal guardian signature for students 17 years or younger.
Registration forms must be submitted to the CWCD O˜c e in person, by mail, or fax.
Student Information (please print all information)
Last Name First Name M.I.
Address City State ZIP
Primary Phone Birthdate Entering Grade
SSN# Email Address
Does this child have any disabilities, present injuries, allergies, hemophilia, heart conditions, history of respiratory illness, or any other significant medical condition?
Yes No If yes, please state: _______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: ________________________________
Home/Cell Phone: ______________
Work Phone: ___________________________________
2nd Contact (relationship): __________________________
Home/Cell Phone: ______________
Work Phone: ___________________________________
_____________________________________ Employer: _____________________________________
If I cannot be reached, please contact the person listed below:
Full Name (family, friend): ___________________________ Phone: _______________________
In case of emergency, I hereby authorize treatment and/or care as deemed necessary by the Lee College sta˛ .
Doctor’s Name: __________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Parent or Guardians Signature Date
Model Release: I grant Lee College permission to use my name/child’s name, photograph, and comments for marketing, advertising, college relations,
and promotional purposes. I understand I will not be paid for any use of my image in any Lee College marketing materials now or in the future.
do do not (check one)
Non-Release of Directory Information: I grant Lee College permission to release Directory information to the general public without written consent.
Directory items include the student’s name, address, major, activities participated in, dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received.
do do not (check one)
Session: Camp 1 (3 -6 grades)
8 -11 am
Camp 2 (7-9
1-4 pm
Camp 3 (10-12 grades)
1-4 pm
For O˜ce Use Only
Student I.D. Receipt # Date Initials
All camps are $95 per person
30 min Stretching and warm-up period
30 min Demonstration of skills
30 min Small group work on skills
60 min Break (bring money or a lunch)
45 min Games (both skill speciÿc and actual scrimmages)
10 min Stretching and cool down periods (announcements
and door prize drawings)
An awards ceremony will be held on the last day of camp.
Parents are invited on this last day to observe tournament
participation and the awards ceremony.
§ Air-conditioned arena
§ Round-robin tournament
§ Certiÿcate for all campers
§ Camp t-shirt
§ Daily prizes
§ Special Awards
§ Opportunity to meet and
be coached by current
and former Lady Rebels
volleyball players
A. Special Awards for:
§ Best o˛ensive player
§ Best all-around player
§ Best defensive player
§ Best blocker
§ Best passer
§ Best server
§ Best hitter
§ Most improved player
B. Tournament championship
C. Emphasis on team play
D. Leadership development through spirit of competition
§ Each camper will leave with a positive attitude about themselves.
§ Each camper will leave the camp closer to reaching their full
potential on the court.
§ Each camper will be exposed on how to conduct themselves
on and o˛ the court through sportsmanship, competition, and
learning how to deal with winning and losing.
§ Each camper will learn that to be successful they will need to
ÿnd the dedication, desire, and discipline to be successful in
volleyball and, most importantly, in life.
The camp store will be open for business each day after camp
concludes. Rebel merchandise and other items will be available for
purchase. Lee College will provide a camp bank so campers can
store their money without the fear of losing or misplacing it.
Camp Directed by
Head Coach at Lee College
CAMP 1 JUNE 4 - 7
Entering 3rd - 7th grade 184KAC10001
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
CAMP 2 JUNE 4 - 7
Entering 8th - 12th grade 184KAC10002
2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
CAMP 3 JUNE 11 - 14
Entering 6th - 9th grade 184KAC10003
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
CAMP 4 JUNE 11 - 14
Team Camp 184KAC10004
INVITATION ONLY 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Due to the overwhelming response from last year’s camp,
only a limited number of applications per session will be
accepted. Each session will be on a ÿrst-come, ÿrst-
served basis.
All camps will be conducted in the Lee College Sports
Arena and Gym. The arena was built in 2003 and has the
capacity to seat 1,500 screaming fans. The arena also
boasts a wellness center, multiple locker rooms, a training
room, film room, and two regulation courts. Campers
may also be using the auxiliary gym located next to the
Lee College Sports Arena.
Campers should report each day wearing workout clothes,
tennis shoes, and knee pads (if possible). No caps, watches,
jewelry, or cell phones will be permitted, PLEASE! Lee
College is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Career Highlights
§ Deer Park High School alum
§ Former Lady Rebel 2007-2008
§ NCAA DI scholar-athlete at Houston Baptist University
§ Played internationally at Durham University in England
§ Lady Rebel Assistant Coach 2013-2017
_______________________ ______________
In person: 909 Decker Drive, Baytown, TX
Fax: 281.425.6855 (Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX)
By Mail: Lee College Lee College Center for Workforce and
Community Development (CWCD)
P.O. Box 818
Baytown, TX 77522-0818
Online: www.lee.edu/workforce
For more information call 281.425.6311
Choose Payment Type:
Cash Check Visa MC Discover
Card Number
Exp. Date CVV Code
Print Cardholder Name
Please make all checks payable to Lee College.
Check #__________ TDL #_____________________
Exp. Date __________________
Registration fees are to be deposited into the Lee College volleyball
fundraising account.