Planning Validation
Site Plan / Block Plan
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:500, 1:200, 1:100, must show a metric scale bar.
What information is required?
• The proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site.
• The existing and proposed parking arrangements and details of the access to the highway.
• Any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are in within falling distance
of the proposed development.
• If a new vehicular access is proposed show the dimensions & visibility splays of the new access.
When required:
Yes No Such evidence as you consider sufcient to verify the information included in the
application. (N.B this may include sworn afdavit(s) from people with personal
knowledge of the existing use or operation, dated photography, invoices etc.)
Yes No Such other information as you considers to be relevant to the application.
Yes No Photographs or Photomontages.
Local Requirements
Other documents
Please indiate whether you are including any of the documents listed below in support of your application:
Yes No Is your application for a Certicate of Lawfulness for an existing use of a building?
If yes, please provide existing oor plans (Scale 1:50 or 1:100) accurately drawn
to the chosen scale and must show a metric scale bar and it would be helpful if at
least one dimension is annotated.
Yes No Is your application for a Certicate of Lawfulness for an existing development that
is a building or structure that has been built?
If yes, please provide oor plans (Scale 1:50 or 1:100) accurately drawn to the
chosen scale and consistency between the existing and proposed plans and must
show a metric scale bar and it would be helpful if at least one dimension is annotated.
If yes, please provide elevations (Scale 1:50 or 1:100) accurately drawn to the
chosen scale and consistency between the existing and proposed plans and must
show a metric scale bar and it would be helpful if at least one dimension is annotated.
Yes No Is your application for a certicate of lawfulness for an existing use of land?
If yes, please provide existing site layout plans (Scale 1:200 or 1:500 and must show
a metric scale bar)
If yes, are there any other uses within the application site?
If you answered yes to both questions, pleas provide a full description of all the uses
and ensure they are identied on the site layout plans.
Yes No Is your application for a certicate of lawfulness for an existing hardstanding?
If yes, please provide details of the materials used.