Revised: October 2016 Office of the Registrar
Faculty should use this form to change a grade of “Incomplete” to a letter grade or to change a previously reported letter
grade to a different grade, which is allowed only in the case of a mathematical or clerical error. This form must be submitted
to the Law Registrar’s Office by the instructor (not the student), and will be sent to the associate dean for student services
or LLM program director for final approval.
If the grade change causes an instructor’s grades to fall outside the curve parameters, the instructor will be asked to submit
a Petition for Grade curve Waiver form, which must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee before the grade
can be changed.
Student Information:
Course Year/Term (e.g. 16/FL): ____________________ Exam Number: ___________________________
(or) Last Name: ________________________________ First Name: ______________________________
Course Number & Section (e.g. LAW-700A-LS1): ____________________________
Course Title: _____________________________________________________________________________
Original Grade: __________ New Grade: ___________
Reason for grade change: (Check one.)
Incomplete coursework completed on the following date: _______________
Clerical error (Enter explanation below.):
Mathematical error (Enter explanation below.):
Instructor’s Name: _______________________________________________
Instructor’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Assoc. Dean/LLM Program Director’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________
Registrar’s Office Use:
Grade fits the grading curve. ASC approved curve waiver.
Date Grade Changed: _____________ Changed by: ______________
click to sign
click to edit