Late Registration Petition Form
To request registration changes after the change of registration period, students must complete all sections of this form, obtain
the necessary approvals, and email it to gradservices@northwestern.edu. Incomplete forms or forms missing approvals will not
be processed. Students must clear all registration holds before submitting the form.
*Note: Students dropping a course and not adding a course or editing an existing registration do not need to fill out this form.
Students may drop courses via CAESAR until the drop deadline published on the University Academic Calendar.
Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________________
Student ID No. (7 digits): ________________________ NU Email Address:______________________________________
Program of Study: _____________________________________________________________________ NetID: _________________
1. Explain in detail the reason(s) you are requesting to add, swap, or edit enrollment AFTER the University’s published
2. Select the registration transaction(s) you are requesting and fill out the corresponding section(s) on page two of this
form. You may select one or more of the following options:
Adding a class(es) only (complete SECTION A)
Dropping and adding a class(es), referred to as “swapping” (complete SECTION B)
Editing existing enrollments, including change a discussion section, change the grading basis or change the variable
units for a class in which you are enrolled (complete SECTION C)
Change of registration is permitted through the “last day to add a class or change a section” deadline listed on the
University academic calendar, typically five business days after the start of the quarter. Students are not permitted to add
classes or change sections after the deadline except in the case of unusual and extraordinary circumstances. The Graduate
School (TGS) considers late changes only with the requisite approvals and when the student’s situation sufficiently warrants
an exception. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval by TGS.
The financial implications of adding and dropping courses after the open enrollment period should be discussed with
Student Finance prior to the submission of a request. Under no circumstances will registration changes be allowed after the
last day of the quarter. If this form is approved, students must review their adjusted enrollment and student account prior
to the last day of classes published on the University academic calendar. Any enrollment discrepancies found after the last
day of classes will remain on the student’s record permanently.