Landonline | Proof of identity | June 2020
Applicant’s details
Given name Surname
Firm name
Street address
Note: This signature must match the signature on the identification provided. If the name on the identification diers from the
signature please also provide evidence of the name change (e.g. marriage certificate, civil union certificate or deed poll).
Please scan and email completed paper
work as a PDF to
All scans must be clear, readable, and in
full colour.
Photocopy your current Government issue photo ID (passport, drivers licence - both sides,
or firearms licence) onto the space provided below. The photocopy should clearly show the
number of the ID and the expiry date. The photocopy must be legible and the photo clear.
Important: Do not adhere a photocopy of your ID to the form.
Take your original Government issued photo ID along with this completed form to a solicitor, Registrar of the High or District Court,
Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public and have that person certify it as true and correct.
Certifier’s details Certifier’s ocial stamp
I [name]
a [designation]
of [place]
Certify that this is a true and correct copy of an original document which I have sighted,
and the name and signature provided match and are that of the individual named and
for whom identification is provided, this:
Signature Date
Landonline: Proof of identity