NCPMA 2016 Spring Workshop Registration Form
Registration Information
Last Name
First Name
Zip/Postal Code
All Stake holders in Land Records are invited: Mappers, Planners, Tax assessors, Register of Deeds, Review Officers, Surveyors, a
Engineers and other interested parties.
Land Records Management Program
North Carolina Secretary of State
Spring Review Officer Workshop
Sponsored by NC Secretary of State and NC Property Mappers Association
Indicate the session you are registering for:
PLS/PE Number
NCPMA Member Government Employee Review Officer Partial Day Registration
Date Town Location Address
April 26 Winston-Salem
Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Office 1450 Fairchild Rd
May 3 Dallas
Gaston County Cooperative Extension Office 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Hwy
May 17 Jacksonville
Onslow County Administration Building
234 NW Corridor Blvd
May 26 Windsor
Windsor Community Building 201 S. Queen Street
June 9 Fayetteville
Cumberland County Cooperative Extension Office 301 E Mountain Dr
June 16 Raleigh
State Archives Building
109 E Jones St
June 28 Waynesville
Haywood County Cooperative Extension Office
589 Raccoon Rd
Note: Seating limited in some locations; seating priority will be given when a completed registration is received. Registration is not considered
complete if a required payment is not included.
Payment- Check -(Payable to "NC Property Mappers Association)
Mail to NCPMA, c/o Dawn Perry, 228 South Churton St, Ste 200
Hillsborough NC 27278 or pay at the door.
Registration Fee: All Government employees and NCPMA members will
receive free admission, other attendees will be charged a $25.00 processing
fee. NCPMA yearly Membership is $25.00. Processing fee may be
converted to a membership fee if accompanied with a completed NCPMA
membership application form. (see page 2)
When submitting by E-mail you will have a
choice of either sending an e-mail to , or to save
the XML file to your computer and attach it to
an e-mail you generate to
Or Print and Mail to:
c/o Dawn Perry
228 South Churton St
Ste 200
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Address question about registration :
Dawn Perry, 919-245-2509 or email
All other questions to: Thomas W. Morgan, Land Records Manager,
North Carolina Department of The Secretary of State,
PO Box 29626, Raleigh NC 27626-0626, 919-807-2268
8:00 Tom Morgan - Case Law - How to
Interpret a Deed
9:55 Break
10:05 John Bridgers - Municipal
11:00 David Tuttle - The GIS PLS -The
Who, Where, When, Why, How & What
12:00 Lunch on your own
1:00 Gary Thompson - State and County
2:00 Jeff Brown - Discovering and using
data found on
2:55 Break
3:10 Kyna Herzinger- Exploring the
assets of Archives and History
4:00 Tom Morgan - E-recording of Plats
5:00 The End
Education Credits: Surveyors - 8 Hours
NCPMA - 8 Hours
Tax Appraisers & Assessors - 8 Hours
Click here to submit Completed Registration Electronically
Submit Complete Registration by E-mail
2016 NCPMA/Land Records Workshop Synopsis
Case Law - How to interpret a Deed: Thomas W Morgan, land Records Manager, North Carolina Secretary
of State.
This is a review of the case law from the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court of North Carolina that define how the court is to
interpret a deed. We have all heard the rules for interpreting a deed, this is where those rules come from.
Municipal Boundaries: John Bridgers, NC Department of the Secretary of State
A discussion on what municipalities do when they annex land. the Importance of an accurate representation of those boundaries and
the importance of municipal boundaries to US Census.
The GIS PLS -The Who, Where, When, Why, How & What: David Tuttle, Board Counsel, NC Board of
Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCBELS)
Mapping Science (GIS) Surveys and the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors
* Who are the parties in the Evolution of the Regulation of Mapping Science (GIS) Surveys
* Where will this impact GIS practitioners?
* When and Why does GIS surveys require a Professional Land Surveyors (PLS)?
* How does a GIS practitioner become licensed as a PLS?
* What is the requirement for business firm license?
* What are the requirements once licensed?
State and County Boundaries: Gary Thompson, NC Geodetic Survey
The process that North Carolina Geodetic Survey follows in doing a retracement survey for major jurisdiction boundaries.
Statewide Geospatial Data: Finding, Getting, and Using: Jeff Brown, NC Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis (CGIA)
The session will present the state of statewide geospatial data and demonstrate how to discover, get, and use statewide datasets for
mutual benefit. What data are new, complete, consistent, current, or not? How do they benefit state and local government users and
the public? To answer those questions, the session will demonstrate the use of NC OneMap in a web browser to find and get access
to geospatial data with an emphasis on imagery, parcels, and address points. Desktop GIS examples will highlight ways to use data
and the web services to answer questions and inform decisions about land and location. Combinations of statewide data and local
government data will be included. Time will be reserved to discuss ways to sustain, improve, and broaden the use of statewide data,
especially for local governments and their constituents.
Exploring the Assets of Archives and History:
Kyna Herzinger - Records Analyst/ Appraisal Archivist, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural
Resources or
Jason Woolf - Records Analyst, North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. (Dallas &
This session looks at the land records and maps available through the State Archives of North Carolina. It will cover relevant
collections, searching for records using the online Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS), resources available through
the Archive’s digital collections including North Carolina Maps and GIS data, and how to obtain copies of records and images.
E-Recording of Plats in the Office of the Register of Deeds: Thomas W Morgan, land Records Manager,
North Carolina Secretary of State.
This presentation will take an in-depth look at the e-recording of plats, starting with the creation of a PDF of the plat, the
application of signature field, the e-signing by the surveyor, client, Planning department, review officer, and the transmission of the
signed plat to the register of deeds through a selected e-recording vender.