Laboratory Contingency Plan
How to prepare for, and return from, a Temporary Laboratory Closure
Laboratory equipment, materials and research can be protected from loss during temporary closures by taking steps
to prepare the laboratory before a closure, ramping down operations, and planning for bringing the laboratory back up
to operational status. Each lab should prepare a laboratory contingency plan that meets your specific needs. This
plan should be shared with your lab, your Department (Chair and Director of Labs), and your building manager for
inclusion in the building emergency plan. The plan should be implemented whenever a situation occurs that may
require a temporary suspension of operations.
Use the attached template to help prepare your lab for a temporary closure.
ITEM Complete N/A Notes
Keep an updated list of emergency contacts on lab door and share
with department.
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Develop a plan for communicating with lab personnel during a
closure. Ensure contact information is up to date.
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Identify critical research materials (notebooks, hard drives, files) that
need to be protected and secured and who is responsible to do so.
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Identify methods that may allow work to continue remotely. Certain
software may only be accessible via VPN - check with DoIT and
ensure personnel have access to Stony Brook’s Virtual Private
Network, as needed.
The PI must approve the removal of any notebooks, data, storage
devices, or computer equipment before they may be removed from
the lab.
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Identify emergency equipment (first aid kit, flashlight, spill kit, etc.),
who is responsible for maintaining them, and where they are to be
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Identify critical functions and/or equipment that require active
monitoring (magnets, compressed gasses for cell cultures, animal
husbandry, glove boxes, etc.) and who will perform those tasks and
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Confirm critical equipment that needs emergency power (computers,
fridges/freezers, incubators, glove box, etc.) are hooked up to the
proper power source. Draft detailed maintenance procedures and
consider installing remote / smart monitoring devices.
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Prepare a list of, and procedures for, equipment that must be reset
or restarted if the power is lost.
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Ensure procedures are in place and PPE is available for obtaining
dry ice / liquid nitrogen for critical samples if fridges/freezers fail.
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