3. Each electrical impulse of the conduction system takes approximately _________________________ to
complete this cycle.
4. Identify the sinoatrial node (SA node) node by “hiding” the right atrium (if not otherwise hidden).
The SA node is situated on the anterior border of the opening of the _________________________. An
electrical impulse that starts at the sinoatrial node travels through the _________________________ bundle
to the left atrium, and into the internodal fibers toward the _________________________ node.
5. Identify the atrioventricular node (AV node) by hiding the right ventricle.
The AV node is located near the orifice of the _________________________ in the right atrium. Between
the start of the impulse at the sinoatrial node and the pause at the atrioventricular node the right
and left atria _________________________. After the pause, the electricle impulse continues into the
6. Select the atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His). The bundle extends from the
atrioventricular node into the lower part of the _________________________. The bundle divides into
7. Select and read about the right and left bundle branches. At the bundle branch, the pathway
of an electrical impulse diverges toward _________________________. In the lower parts of the ventricles,
each bundle branch differentiates into numerous strands that end in the _________________________ and
_________________________. An electrical impulse travels through each bundle branch into the ventricles
by stimulation from the _________________________ fibers.
8. Identify the purkinje fibers. What is their function?
9. Highlight the right atrium, and click the “pathologies” icon.
a. What is atrial fibrillation?