Open the Atlas app. From the Views menu, go to System Views and scroll down to Nervous System
You are responsible for the identification of all bold terms.
A. Nervous System Overview
In the Nervous System Views section, select View 1. Nervous System. Use the systems icon to open
the systems tray and deselect the two skeletal system icons to remove the bones, tendons, and
ligaments from the view. Rotate the view as needed to examine the nervous system structures and
answer the following questions.
Spinal cord
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
1. The nervous system is anatomically separated into two parts. The structures inside the cranium
and spinal column make up the __________________________ nervous system. Inside the cranium is the
__________________________ and inside the spinal column is the __________________________.
2. The structures outside the cranium and spinal column make up the __________________________ nervous
system, which is primarily composed of __________________________.
3. The cranial bones have been removed from this view, so you can easily zoom in and take a closer
look at the brain. The largest, most superior structure of the brain is the cerebrum. Rotate the view to
examine the superior portion of the brain. Find the falx cerebri, which separates the brain into
________________ and _______________ hemispheres.
4. Rotate the view to examine the posterior portion of the brain. Locate the tentorium cerebelli,
which separates the cerebrum from the _______________________________________, the second largest
structure of the brain.
5. In the systems tray on the left side of the screen, select the nervous system icon to add the rest of
the nervous system structures, including protective layers of connective tissue, to the view. Select the
outer protective layer around the brain. What is it called?
B. Brain Anatomy
Go back to the Nervous System Views section and select View 2. Brain. Part of the skeletal system
is included in this view, and some structures of the right side of the brain have been removed to
expose the interior brain structures. Use this view to answer the following questions.
1. Rotate the view to examine the posterior portion and use the Dissect tool to hide the occipital bone.
What is the most inferior part of the brain, which extends from its base toward the spinal column?
2. The brain has several fluid-filled cavities called ventricles. Which ventricle is visible as a dark blue
transparent structure in the right portion of the brain?
3. What is the name of the fluid found in the ventricles? (Hint: Select any ventricle and use the book
icon to read its description.)
Medulla oblongata
Right lateral ventricle
4. Use the Dissect tool to hide the large cranial bones and rotate the view, so you can examine the left
side of the brain from the right side. Open the Search tool and enter “cranial nerves.” Select the first
choice and view the many paired cranial nerves that extend from the brain. How many pairs of cranial
nerves are there? (Hint: Use the book icon to read a description of the cranial nerves.)
5. Do all the cranial nerves remain in the skull or do some travel out of the skull?
Open the Atlas app. From the Views menu, go to System Views and scroll down to Nervous System
You are responsible for the identification of all bold terms and the answers to all questions. You should be
able to locate all the structures discussed below.
A. The Cerebrum
Use View 2. Brain to answer the following questions about the cerebrum.
1. Use the Dissect tool to hide the skull bones, exposing the brain. Rotate the view to examine the
exterior portion of the left side of the brain. By far, the largest part of the brain is the cerebrum, which
is covered by convoluted folds. The folds appear dark because they are composed of gray matter,
which consists mainly of cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers.
a. Select any of the folds. What are these folds called?
b. Zoom in and select any of the grooves between the folds. What are they called?
c. Sulci are important landmarks of the cerebrum. In the illustration, label the following sulci:
Superior frontal sulcus
Inferior frontal sulcus
Precentral sulcus
Central sulcus
Marginal sulcus
Postcentral sulcus
Lateral sulcus
Superior temporal sulcus (includes angular sulcus)
Inferior temporal sulcus
Intraparietal sulcus
Parieto-occipital sulcus (fissure)
Orbital sulci
Marginal sulcus
Intraparietal sulcus
Postcentral sulcus
Superior temporal
temporal sulcus
Orbital sulcus
Lateral sulcus
Inferior frontal sulcus
Superior frontal sulcus
Central sulcus
Precentral sulcus
Lateral sulcus
Occipital lobe
parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
frontal lobe
Central sulcus
a. Which sulcus defines the posterior boundary of the frontal lobe?
b. Which gyri are located on either side of this sulcus?
3. Select the postcentral gyrus, and then use the arrow in the content box to choose the parietal
lobe from the selected structure list, highlighting it in the view. Rotate the view to locate the sulci that
separate the parietal lobe from the other cerebral lobes.
a. Which sulcus defines the posterior border of the parietal lobe?
b. Which lobe is located posterior to this sulcus?
c. Which sulcus defines the lateral border of the parietal lobe?
d. Which lobe is located below this sulcus?
2. The cerebrum is divided into functional regions called lobes. Select any of the gyri above the eyes,
and then use the arrow in the content box to choose the frontal lobe from the selected structure list,
highlighting it in the view. Rotate the view to locate the sulcus immediately behind the frontal lobe and
the two gyri that flank it.
B. The Cerebellum
Use View 2. Brain to answer the following questions about the cerebellum.
1. Rotate the view to examine the posterior portion of the brain and use the Dissect tool to hide the
cerebrum. Examine the cerebellum and rotate the view as needed to identify its key structures.
a. The two posterior lobes are separated by the __________________________.
b. In front of the posterior lobes are two __________________________.
c. Between the posterior lobes and the medulla oblongata are the paired
d. On each side of the cerebellum, between the lobes and the pons is the ________________________.
Cerebellar tonsils
Left posterior lobe
Left anterior lobe
Right anterior lobe
Right posterior lobe
5. Use the Dissect tool to remove the right posterior lobe from the view and examine the patterns of
gray and white matter in the cut section of the cerebellum. Select the cut surface and use the book
icon to read the definition.
a. The interior of the cerebellum is made up of a central stem of __________________________ with a
central gray mass called the __________________________.
b. The branching tree-like network is called the __________________________.
Left subclavian artery
Left common carotid artery
Left vertebral artery
Right subclavian artery
Right common carotid artery
Right vertebral artery
Aortic arch
1. Rotate the view to examine the posterior portion and locate the aortic arch leaving the heart. Then,
locate the three large vessels that branch from the aorta and carry blood upward.
a. Which branch of the left subclavian artery carries blood to the brain?
C. Brain Blood Supply
Go back to the Nervous System Views section and select View 3. Brain Blood Supply. Use this view
to answer the following questions.
b. Which branch of the right subclavian artery carries blood to the brain?
c. Which branch of the left common carotid artery carries blood to the brain?
d. From which branch of the aorta does the right common carotid artery arise?
2. Rotate the view, so you can examine the brain from below. What is formed by the fusion of the two
vertebral arteries?
Basilar artery
Circle of Willis
Right vertebral artery
Right internal
carotid artery
Left vertebral artery
Left internal carotid artery
Pituitary gland
Optic chiasm
3. Use the Dissect tool to hide the two large cavernous sinuses. Use the Search tool and enter
circle of Willis.” Choose “Circle of Willis, R.” from the search results to highlight the right side of
this network. The circle of Willis is an anastomosis at the base of the brain that can supply collateral
circulatory routes. The circle surrounds what two structures?
4. Blood from the brain drains into a large dorsal sinus called the ______________________________. Blood
then travels through several other sinuses that join to form the ______________________________, which
leave the skull and enter the neck.
D. The Limbic System
Go back to the Nervous System Views section and select View 4. Limbic System. Note that the
ventricles are shown, but they are not part of the limbic system.
1. Select one of the large, paired lobes at the top of the view. These are the __________________________
lobes, which are also called __________________________.
2. Use the arrow in the content box to choose Limbic System from the selected structures list and
use the book icon to read its definition.
a. What are the main roles of the limbic system?
b. Where is the limbic system found?
Left cingulate gyrus (limbic lobe)
Right cingulate
gyrus (limbic lobe)
Right lateral
Right third ventricle
3. Select one of the blue ventricles and use the arrow in the content box to choose Ventricles from
the selected structures list. Use the Hide tool to hide all the ventricles. Note the circular shape of the
limbic system.
a. What are the large, purple, segmented structures at the bottom of the view?
b. List all the parts of the limbic system and locate the ones that are visible in this view.
Indusia grisea
Right fornix
Mammillary bodies
Cingulate gyri
Right septal nucleus
Left dentate gyrus
E. The Thalamus
Go back to the Nervous System Views section and select View 5. Thalamus. Use this view to answer
the following questions.
1. Locate the right lateral ventricle and rotate the view to examine the third ventricle, found between
the two cerebral hemispheres (only one is visible). Use the book icon to read a description of the
a. The third ventricle connects with the fourth ventricle via the __________________________.
b. The fourth ventricle is continuous with the __________________________, which carries
cerebrospinal fluid down into the hindbrain and the spinal cord.
2. Select the right thalamus in the center of the view and use the book icon to read its definition.
a. The thalamus is one of the three regions of the __________________________.
b. Its main role is to act as a __________________________ between the cerebrum and the rest of the
nervous system.
c. What are the main functions of the thalamus?
Fourth ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
Lateral ventricle
Third ventricle
3. For each of the following large structures, select any part of the structure and use the arrow in the
content box to choose the entire structure. Use the book icon to read its definition, and then list its
main functions below.
a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
c. Midbrain (mesencephalon)
d. Pons
e. Medulla oblongata
Medulla oblongata
Right cerebellum
Left cerebrum
corpus callosum
Pituitary gland
Pars tuberalis
4. Select any part of the cerebrum, and then use the arrow in the content box to choose Forebrain
from the selected structures list. Use the book icon to read its definition, and then list its structures
5. Select the medulla oblongata, and then use the arrow in the content box to choose Hindbrain from
the selected structures list. Use the book icon to read its definition, and then list its structures below.
6. Select the pons and use the book icon to read its definition. Which structures make up the
7. Select the third ventricle and use the Dissect tool to remove it from the view. Select the exposed
hypothalamus and use the book icon to read its definition.
a. What is the function of the hypothalamus?
8. Rotate the view to examine it from below. The hypothalamus extends into a stalk with a bulb on the
a. What are the two parts of the stalk?
b. What is the name of the posterior portion of this structure?
c. What is the name of the anterior portion of this structure?
9. Find the corpus callosum, which is located beside the left lateral ventricle and below the left
cingulate gyrus (limbic lobe).
a. What is the function of the corpus callosum?
b. What is the corpus callosum composed of?
10. Rotate the view to examine the posterior structures. Select the midbrain to highlight it and zoom in.
a. You will see two lumps protruding from the midbrain, which are the __________________________
and the __________________________.
b. Between the midbrain and the third ventricle is a small, oval structure called the
__________________________. It controls ______________________________________________.
Inferior colliculi
Superior colliculi
1. Responsible for conscious thought, the largest structure of the brain is the __________________________.
It has right and left __________________________.
The __________________________ is responsible for balance and fine-tuning movement.
2. Which two structures are shared by the brainstem and the hindbrain?
3. The brainstem connects the __________________________ to the __________________________. It is
responsible for the most primitive and basic brain functions.
4. Which brain system is responsible for processing emotions?
5. Cerebrospinal fluid is found in large chambers called __________________________.
6. The brain is supplied with collateral circulation via several vessels that arise from three branches of
the __________________________. One important anastomosis, located at the base of the brain, is the
7. Blood leaves the brain through a series of __________________________ and ultimately exits the skull via
the __________________________.
8. Different parts of the brain communicate via tracts of __________________________.
Source: Nervous System Views: View 1. Nervous System
Source: Nervous System Views: View 2. Brain
Source: Nervous System Views: View 2. Brain
Source: Nervous System Views: View 2. Brain
Source: Nervous System Views: View 2. Brain
Source: Nervous System Views: View 3. Brain Blood Supply
Source: Nervous System Views: View 3. Brain Blood Supply
Source: Nervous System Views: View 4. Limbic System
Source: Nervous System Views: View 4. Limbic System
Source: Nervous System Views: View 5. Thalamus
Source: Nervous System Views: View 5. Thalamus
Source: Nervous System Views: View 5. Thalamus