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Candidate Application
Applications are due by
See instructions below on how to submit your application.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Leadership UD builds leadership capacity and enhances leadership effectiveness at the individual and
institutional levels by providing participants with the opportunity to:
Increase leadership self-awareness and competency;
Enhance knowledge of the essence of our Catholic and Marianist roots, the organizational structure of
the University, and its unique contribution to the Dayton community;
Make personal and professional connections across campus, thereby increasing organizational value
and work satisfaction.
Type your responses directly into the form:
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
First, M.I., Last
Department/Unit: __________________________________________________________________
Dean/VP_______________________ Chair/Direct Supervisor______________________________
Position Currently Held: _____________________________________________________________
Years at UD: _______________
(minimum of one year, full time employment required
Campus Address: _______________________________________________ z-______________
Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________
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1. What do you hope to learn/gain/achieve as a result of participating in Leadership UD?
2. What does being a leader mean to you?
3. Over the course of Leadership UD you will have the opportunity to apply what you are learning
through the Project in Partnership (PiP) initiative. PiP encourages you to consider how you might
play a leadership role in bringing about needed change at UD. Given the opportunity, what change
would you like to bring about at UDa change that might impact your area of the university and/or
the university as a whole?
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To submit your application:
1. Complete the application electronically by typing your responses in the appropriate fields.
2. Save the PDF file asLUD15_<your last name>_application” (replacing “<your last name>”
with your actual last name)
3. Email a copy of your completed application to your Chair/direct supervisor AND to your Dean or
Vice President BY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2014.
By submitting an application, you are committing to attending at least eight of the 10
sessions and also the
Sending your application via email to your chair/supervisor and your Dean/VP is considered your
electronic signature.
overnight retreat on September 7 & 8.
We ask you to send your application to your chair/supervisor to confirm his/her awareness of and
support for your participation in the Leadership UD 2014-15 program.
As your official sponsor, your Dean or Vice President will formally submit your application.
Forwarding your application via email is considered his/her electronic signature; in addition,
he/she is committing to contributing $1,250 to cover expenses associated with your participation
in the Leadership UD 2014-15 program.
VPs and Deans please email the completed application
to Deb Bickford at
Friday, February 21, 2014
If you have any questions, please contact any member of the Leadership UD Recruitment Team:
Phil Anloague or x95602
Deb Bickford or x95360
Karen Bull or x93329
Celine O’Neill or x94895
Joan McGuinness Wagner or x93094
Information about Leadership UD (for nominees and nominators) is available at: