Property address, street, city, state, zip Date
affect or extend the BUYER’S obligation to execute the Act of Sale or otherwise affect any terms or conditions of
this Agreement except as otherwise set forth herein. The BUYER shall supply the SELLER written documentation 77
from a lender that a loan application has been made and the BUYER has given written authorization to lender to 78
proceed with the loan approval process within (____) calendar days after the date of acceptance of this offer by 79
both parties. If the BUYER fails to make loan application, and to supply SELLER with written documentation of 80
that application and BUYER’S written authorization for lender to proceed with loan process within this period, the 81
SELLER may, at the SELLER’S option, elect, in writing, to terminate the Agreement and declare the Agreement 82
null and void, by giving the BUYER written notice of the SELLER’S termination. In the event the BUYER is not 83
able to secure financing, the SELLER reserves the right to provide all or part of mortgage loan(s) under the terms 84
set forth above. 85
PRORATIONS/OTHER COSTS: Real estate taxes, flood insurance premium if assumed, rents, condominium 87
dues, assessments, and/or other dues owed to homeowners associations and the like for the current year are to 88
be prorated through the date of the Act of Sale. Act of Sale costs, abstracting costs, title search, title insurance 89
and other costs required to obtain financing, shall be paid by the BUYER, unless otherwise stated herein. All 90
necessary tax, mortgage, conveyance, release certificates or cancellations and the SELLER closing fees, if any, 91
shall be paid by the SELLER. The SELLER shall pay all previous years’ taxes, assessments, condominium dues, 92
and/or dues owed to homeowners associations and the like. All special assessments bearing against the Property 93
prior to Act of Sale, other than those to be assumed by written agreement, as of the date of the Act of Sale, are to 94
be paid by the SELLER. 95
APPRAISAL: � This sale is NOT conditioned on appraisal. � This sale IS conditioned on the appraisal of the97
Property being not less than the Sale Price. The SELLER agrees to provide the utilities for appraisals and access. 98
If the appraised value of the Property is equal to or greater than the Sale Price, the BUYER shall pay the Sale 99
Price agreed upon prior to the appraisal. If the appraised value is less than the Sale Price, the BUYER shall 100
provide the SELLER with a copy of the appraisal within __________ (____) calendar days of receipt of same, 101
along with the BUYER’S written request for the SELLER to reduce the Sale Price. Within __________ (____) 102
calendar days after the SELLER’S receipt of such written documentation of the appraised value, the BUYER shall 103
have the option to pay the Sale Price agreed upon prior to the appraisal or to void this Agreement unless the 104
SELLER agrees in writing to reduce the Sale Price to the appraised value or all parties agree to a new Sale Price. 105
DEPOSIT: Upon acceptance of this offer, or any attached counter offer, the SELLER and the BUYER shall be 107
bound by all terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the BUYER or the BUYER’S agent shall deliver within 108
72 hours, upon notice of acceptance of the offer, the BUYER’S deposit (the “Deposit”) in the amount of 109
$___________________________ or _____% of the Sale Price to be paid in the form of: 110
□ Cash $__________________________ □ Certified Funds $____________________111
□ Check $__________________________ □ Electronic Transfer (EFT) $_________112
The Deposit shall be held by. □ Listing Broker □ Selling Broker □ Third Party113
BUYER’S Initials _____ _____ Page 3 of 9 SELLER’S Initials _____ _____
ABS Rev. 01/01/19
DEPOSIT HELD BY THIRD PARTY: Louisiana Administrative Code Article Title 46, Part LXVII, Section 2717 requires that
funds received in a real estate sales transaction shall be deposited in the appropriate sales escrow checking account, rental
trust checking account or security deposit trust checking account of the listing or managing broker (“Broker”) unless all parties
having an interest in the funds have agreed otherwise in writing. I agree to have the Deposit related to this transaction to be
held by a third party and not in a sales escrow account maintained by the Broker. I understand that the Louisiana Real Estate
Commission may not have jurisdiction over those third parties holding the funds. I have read the attached addendum and
acknowledge the Broker is not legally required to disburse a security deposit in accordance with LAC 46:LXVII.2901 when a
third party holds the Deposit.
__________________________________________ _______________________________________________