Follow Up
This page is a follow to the outcome of events dealing with the assets given to you previously by SGA. We ask that
you fill this out and return with it ASAP to one of our meetings for a short overview of how our funds were able to
help you.
We are anxious to hear about the outcome of your project. It is our hope that an even stronger impact than you
could have imagined was made. We hope that you grew as an individual and as a group.
Organization Name:
Event Title/Date:
Approximate # in attendance:
1. Please give a brief summary of your event:
2. How did this impact you and or your organization?
3. Did you reach the goals that you had starting out?
4. What, if anything, would you do to change the event to make it better? Why?
5. How could you have planned better and made your event run more smoothly? (if applicable)
Thank you for taking the time to share with us. We are here for you and we love hearing how you are making a
difference on campus and in the lives of others. We hope that you took this as a learning opportunity and will
grow from it. Thanks and God Bless.