15. Are you going to build a new driveway or modify an existing driveway? ____Yes _____ No ____N/A
If yes, please provide the information. Road Name
County Road Maintenance Number (if known) ____________ Section _____ Township _____ Range _____
a. A separate application may be required for each road.
b. Construction details (1-set) drawn to scale, including a general location map.
c. If turn lane construction is required applicant shall install Portable Changeable (Variable) Message
Signs (PCM’s, FDOT Index 6740) on the County Road(s) impacted by construction. The PCM’s shall
be installed one (1) week prior to construction in order to inform residents and roadway users of the
impending construction. The PCM’s shall display lane closure information including anticipated lanes
to be closed, extent of lane closure (i.e. ‘Next 3 miles’), daily hours of closure, and temporary restrictions.
d. If turn lane construction is required, submittal shall also include:
1. Turn lane(s) layout with dimensions;
2. Striping plan with typical pavement section;
3. Traffic maintenance plan;
4. Record survey of right-of-way signed and sealed by a Florida licensed surveyor.
e. All turn lane improvements shall be overlaid from taper to taper, full width.
f. If a culvert is required all right-of-way disturbed by this work shall be restored to its original condition
and in accordance with applicable Lake County Codes. All disturbed areas must be sodded, matching
existing grass type. Applicant shall be responsible for sod until it is established.
g. In areas where sidewalks are present or planned, the driveway must include a minimum 4 foot wide
path traversing the driveway apron (at a maximum 2% cross slope) in compliance with ADA
h. Driveway connection shall be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from any intersection.
i. Prior to construction, Applicant shall provide written notice to all residences adjacent to the project limits.
Within a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days prior to construction, applicant shall provide to Lake
County Public Works a copy of the notification with a list of parties notified. This notice shall include the
anticipated construction schedule, maintenance of traffic plan, and any impacts (permanent or
temporary) to the subject residence and adjacent area.
j. Driveway connection and roadway construction must be completed in accordance with the approved
site plan and/or subdivision construction plans. Lake County reserves the right to modify the permitted
driveway(s) at any time including median, turn lane, or other modifications within County right of way.
The Applicant will not receive compensation or compensatory damages relating to such modification by
Lake County.
k. Issuance of a driveway permit does not vest any rights to the property for zoning, land use changes, or
site improvements. The owner must follow all County procedures for permitting of the commercial, retail
or other land uses.
Office of Planning & Zoning Revised 2018/04
Development Application Page 3 of 6