The answers provided on this form will be used to assess your application and you must, therefore, answer them fully and to the best
of your knowledge and belief. You must also give RL360 any other information which might be relevant and which could influence
the decision to accept your application. If you are unsure whether a particular fact is relevant, you should disclose it. Withholding
any relevant information may result in the forfeiture of your protection benefits even if your application has been formally accepted.
In such event, all monies paid may be forfeited. Please give careful consideration to the declaration before signing it.
Before the plan comes into force, any change of facts contained in the answers given must be notified to RL360 in writing.
RL360 reserves the right to amend the terms on which your application may have been accepted or to withdraw acceptance in
the event of any such change.
Your application is not binding and no plan will exist until RL360 has issued a letter of acceptance, all conditions therein have
been complied with and your Plan Schedule has been issued.
Full details can be obtained by reading the LifePlan Terms and Conditions.
For lives assured
10.1 I declare that I have read the important notes in Section 09 and that all statements made by me, whether in my handwriting
or not, are true and complete. I also declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I have disclosed all relevant
information concerning this application, whether or not covered by the questions in this application or any supplementary
questionnaires which might influence RL360’s decision to issue my plan.
I will disclose to RL360 any changes to the information given in this application which occur prior to the commencement of
the plan.
By signing below I irrevocably consent to RL360 seeking from any doctor, hospital, medical institution or other person,
information which may be related to my occupation, physical or mental health, including the result of any test, and I
authorise the giving of such information. This authorisation shall remain in force after my death.
For applicants
10.4 I agree that all statements, together with any forms, statements, reports or other information completed or supplied by me
or any party on my behalf, shall form the basis of the plan with RL360.
I have read the Product Guide and the Key Information Document and I'm aware of the charges that may be levied.
10.6 I agree to accept a plan in the form and containing the standard terms, conditions and rules ordinarily used by RL360 for
the type of benefits for which I have applied. In addition, RL360 shall not be bound in any way by any representations or
undertakings made or given by any person save as contained in the plan as issued. It is further agreed and understood
that, notwithstanding any statement made to the contrary by any person, no plan comes into existence and no liability
whatsoever will attach to RL360 as a result of this application unless and until the first payment has been received by RL360
and express written notice of acceptance of risk is issued by RL360.
To the best of my knowledge and belief I am not subject to any legislation that would make this application unlawful.
I confirm that on my own initiative I requested and received information about the plan from my financial adviser. On the basis
of that information, I hereby apply for this plan. I understand that the plan is oered by RL360 which is established in the Isle
of Man and as such is subject to the supervisory arrangements of the Isle of Man Government Financial Services Authority.
10.9 I acknowledge that any person who is advising me regarding the plan for which I am applying, is acting for me and not on
behalf of RL360.
I will disclose to RL360 any changes to the information given in this application which occur prior to the commencement of
the plan.
I confirm that I have the necessary powers to take out this plan and enter into a contract with RL360.
10.12 I also confirm that my company has not been, and is not in the process of being, struck-o, dissolved, wound-up or