v License Fee: Businesses with gross receipts greater than or equal to $5,000, but less than $100,000, pay only the $30
license fee. Businesses with receipts less than $5,000 pay no fee.
v BPOL Guidelines: Revised BPOL guidelines may be obtained by contacting the Virginia Department of Taxation at
(804) 440-2541 or on the Internet at
v Contractors: Virginia law requires all contractors to provide written certification of their compliance with the Virginia
current Ordinances as enacted by Richmond City Council shall prevail.
City of Richmond, Virginia
Division of Collections
900 East Broad Street, Room 102
P.O. Box 26505
Richmond, VA 23261-6505
CITY LICENSE RATES WHEN TAX BASE EXCEEDS $99,999 (Exception: Businesses that are subject to the flat tax.)
Professional $.58 per $100 of gross receipts Peddler/Sidewalk Vendor $300 Flat Tax
Personal Services $.36 per $100 of gross receipts Restaurant $.36 per $100 of gross receipts
Retail Merchant $.20 per $100 of gross receipts Repair Services $.36 per $100 of gross receipts
Wholesale Merchant $.22 per $100 of purchases Itinerant Merchant $500 Flat Tax
Contractor $.19 per $100 of gross receipts Beer & Wine $75 Flat Tax
Mixed Beverage Seating
1-100 = $200 101-150 = $350
Over 150 = $500
Ÿ January 14
Ÿ March 1
Ÿ March 1
Ÿ March 31
Ÿ June 1
Ÿ June 7
Ÿ June 14
Ÿ June 15
Ÿ December 31
Real Estate Taxes – 1st Half Payment Due
Business License Renewal Application and Payment Due
Business Personal Property and Machinery & Tools Returns Due
Tax Relief Application and Renewal Due
Bank Franchise Tax Payment Due
Property Taxes (Personal, Business, Machinery & Tools) Payment Due
Real Estate Taxes – 2nd Half Payment Due
Public Service Corporation Taxes Payment Due
Workers’ Compensation Certification Due (for 2021 tax year)
Ÿ 15th of Every Month Consumer Utility Taxes – Due the Second Month Following Collection
Ÿ 20th of Every Month Admissions, Lodging, Meals Taxes – Due the Month Following Collection
Ÿ 15th of Every April, July, October, & January Daily Rental Taxes Payment Due
In the event a due date falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, the tax may be paid on the next business day
without penalty.
Mailing Address Correction:
Address: _________________________________
_________________________ __________ _____
_________________________ __________ _____
_________________________ __________ _____
PhoneNumber: ___________________________
FaxNumber: ___________________________
E-mailAddress: _____________ ______________
Workers’ Compensation Act prior to the issuance or renewal of their business license. A copy of the certification form
may be obtained by contacting the Insurance Department of the Virginia Compensation Commission at (877) 664-2566;
or, a copy may also be obtained at
v Failure to Obtain a License: Criminal offense, punishable by fine, imprisonment and/or business closure.
v Signature: Required. Your signature indicates you are aware of all the applicable obligations associated with this
license, including Personal Property Taxes and Zoning Requirements.
v Business Changes: Contact the City of Richmond at 311, locally; (804) 646-7000 out of town, Monday – Friday
8:00 AM-5:00PM or E-mail to report any changes in name, address, or classification. If
your businesses moves within the City of Richmond, you must contact zoning to ensure compliance.
v Errors &
Omissions: Should any information contained in this package differ from existing City Ordinances, the