1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105 ● Phoenix AZ 85007-2812
602.542.1525 ● Within AZ 877.692.9762 ● Fax 602.542.1599 ● www.roc.az.gov
Form RC-L-200B
July 30, 2021
License Application (LLC)
– Attach the following documents if applicable.
1. If the Applicant is a tiered entity, please see the example tiered entity chart and
contact the Registrar’s Licensing Department at (602) 542- 1525 for assistance
with questions. A Tiered Entity is an entity that is owned or operated by another entity. For
example, if "Red Corporation" is owned or operated by "Blue LLC," "Red Corporation" would be
considered a Tiered Entity for the purposes of obtaining a contractor's license.
2. License Cancellation Form: If you currently have a license that you wish to cancel upon
issuance of a new license, complete and attach a License Cancellation Form.
3. Felony Disclosure Forms. If 'yes' is selected for any of the Felony Charges questions
under Part 4, attach signed and completed Felony Disclosure Forms and supporting
4. Unlicensed Activity Disclosure Forms: If 'yes' is selected for any of the Unlicensed
Activity questions under Part 4, attach signed and completed
Unlicensed Activity Disclosure Forms and documentation of remedial measures.
5. Solar Warranty: A copy of the solar warranty (if applying for a solar license)
6. Additional Part 3s: If there is insufficient space to enter all of the required information in
Part 3 of this application, print out, complete, and attach additional Part 3's to your application.
In State Waiver (Statutes &
Rules Exam)
The named Qualifying Party has
been active within the last 5 years
as Qualifying Party on an
Complete form In- State Waiver
Request for Statutes and Rules
Exam RC-L-200H in place of the
exam results for the Statutes and
Rules if applicable
In State Waiver (Statutes &
Rules Exam & Trade Exam)
The named Qualifying Party has been
active within the last 5 years on an
AZ License as Qualifying Party on
the same classification
Complete form In- State Waiver
Request for Statutes and Rules
Exam RC-L-200H and In- State
Waiver Request Form for Trade
Exam RC-L-200H in place of the
exam results for the Statutes and
Rules and Trade exam if applicable
Out of State Waiver (Trade
The named Qualifying Party has
been active on a comparable out
of state license in the last 5 years
as the Qualifying Party
Complete form Out-of-State Waiver
Request form RC-L-200G in place of the
Trade exam if applicable. Note: The
Arizona Statute and Rules Exam cannot
be waived with an out of state waiver