I undersigned: [Full name]
ate of birth: DD-MM-YYYY
Address [Current or Last known address in Germany with indication of street name, house No, postcode,
city]: Click or tap here to enter text.
do hereby give consent to iCOVER SAS, located at 16 Rue Gaillon, 75002 Paris, acting as a data processor
on behalf of Sterling as per the E.U. Regulation 2016/679.
To obtain and/or disclose any Credit, Directorship and Address information relating to me from and/or
to Boniversum GmbH. Hammfelddamm 13, 41460 Neuss, Germany for the purpose of a pre-employment
screening check.
For the purpose of this verification the data processor will collect and process my personal data, including
but not limited to, my name, address, contact details and date of birth.
I understand that I may request access, correction, or deletion of my personal information, and I may
also revoke the present authorization at any time.
(identical as in the ID document)
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