The undersigned, as a Contractor(s) or Subcontractor(s) on a Contract which is part of the
________________________________Package, for and in consideration of the award of a Contract
to perform work on said Project, and in further consideration of the mutual promises made in the
Project Labor Agreement, a copy of which was received and is acknowledged, hereby:
(1) On behalf of itself and all its employees, accepts and agrees to be bound by terms and
conditions of the Project Labor agreement, together with any and all amendments and
supplements now existing or which are later made thereto, and understands that any act
of non-compliance with all such terms and conditions, including but not limited to,
evidence of compliance with the pre-employment controlled substance testing, will
subject the non-complying Contractor or employee(s) to being prohibited from the
Project Site until full compliance is obtained.
(2) Certified that it has no commitments or agreements, which would preclude its full
compliance with the terms and conditions of said Project Labor Agreement.
(3) Agrees to secure from any Contractor(s) (as defined in said Project Labor Agreement)
which is or becomes a Subcontractor(s) (of any tier), a duly executed Letter of Assent in
form identical to this document prior to commencement of any work.
Dated: _____________________________ ________________________________
Name of Contractor/Company
Signature of Authorized Representative
Print Name and Title
___________________________________ ________________________________
General Contractor Contract Number
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