LED Sign Message Request Form
Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations (Campus Center, Suite 241)
Phone: (609)652-4878 / Fax: (609)626-5538 / E-mail: event.services@stockton.edu
Name of Requester:
Email Address:
Organization/Office:________________________________________________ Phone Number: ( )
Message Dates (Allow 5 business days for processing.)
Start Date: _____________ Start Time: _____________
End Date: _____________ End Time: _____________
Message: (Messages are posted in accordance to criteria outlined in the Posting and Displaying Information on Campus
procedure. Be as CONCISE as possible and include all pertinent information including DATE(S), TIME(S), PLACE(S) AND
SPONSOR(S). Messages may be edited as needed.)
Customize your message by adding a picture, logo, or graphic.
No - I will not be submitting image(s) for customization; please proceed.
Yes - I would like my message customized with specific image(s):
1. Attach a hard copy of the image(s) to this form.
2. Student groups must also have approval from a Student Development Advisor to use image(s). The Advisor may
indicate approval by initialing the hard copy.
3. E-mail image(s) as a jpeg file, no larger than 640 x 480 or movie file (flv, avi, mpg or mpg 2 format only)
to: event.services@stockton.edu.
4. In the subject line, reference “Message Image” and the “date” you have requested the message to start.
In the body of the e-mail, reference the event/message.
5. The message will not be created until we have received the image(s).
6. The message may not be posted if the image(s) are received less than 5 business days prior to the requested start date.
(For Student Clubs & Organizations Only)
Signature of Student Development Advisor:___________________________________________Date:_____________________
click to sign
click to edit