The Long Beach City College Upward Bound Program is a federally funded initiative that
encourages eligible students to complete high school successfully and continue on to post-
secondary education. Participants must meet the eligibility criteria of being low-income and/or
first generation. Completing this eligibility form does NOT mean you have been accepted into
the program. However, we review all eligibility forms and schedule an information session and
interview with students who are eligible. Please return completed form to the UB Program
Specialist, Ms. Morales, or email a copy to upwardbound@lbcc.edu.
Student Name Student ID Number
High School Attending Grade Birth Date
Birthplace ______________________________ Ethnicity_____________________________
Street Apt. City Zip code
Student Cell __________________________Parent/Guardian Cell ________________________
Student Email
Parent Email ______________________ ________________
High School Counselor Name
1. Are you currently enrolled in Talent Search, EAOP, or Gear Up? Yes No
2. Do you wish to attend college after you graduate from high school? Yes No
3. Did you pass the ELA caaspp, standardized testing? Yes No
Math caaspp, standardized testing? Yes No
4. What is your current overall GPA? _________ (please attach current progress report or
unofficial transcript)
5. Are you a U. S. citizen or resident? Yes No
6. How did you hear about Upward Bound?
7. Do you have a family member in the program? ___ Yes___ No Who? ______________
8. Parent/ Guardian Name: _______________________ Occupation: __________________
9. Parent/ Guardian Name: _______________________ Occupation: __________________
10. Education background (Please mark the appropriate box and identify the birth parent who has the
highest level of education
Highest education level or degree your birth parent(s) completed:
( ) Unknown ( ) Middle school ( ) High School ( ) A.A./ A.S. ( ) B.A./ B.S. ( ) Other
Please complete back of form
Income: _____________
Education: ___________