Please indicate the nature of the environment in which the placement student will be exposed to:
Office Laboratory Workshop
Hospital / Clinic Educational
Institution Factory
Supervisor at placement provider responsible for monitoring the health and safety of the student:
Name: Role Title:
Phone: Email:
The person nominated above is required to complete the following checklist.
The Placement Host is aware that all accidents / injuries involving placement students must
be reported t
o JCU through the Placement Coordinator within 24 hours of occurrence?
The workplace of the Placement Provider is covered by a workplace health and safety management system that
is certified by a recognised independent authority.
No further information is required.
The workplace of the Placement Provider is not covered by a workplace health and safety management system
that is certified by a recognised independent authority.
Further information is requested below.
1. Has the Placement Provider developed and kept current emergency procedures for
potential emergencies which may occur in the workplace which provides for emergency
response, evacuation and medical treatment?
2. Does the placement student have access to adequate first aid and qualified first aiders?
3. Are hazards which may cause injury to placement students and other workers identified
and documented so as to provide this information to placement students?
4. Are all hazards eliminated or if that is not reasonably practicable, controlled to minimise
the risk and documented so as to provide this information to placement students?
5. Are the controls and the conditions at the workplace monitored and improved to ensure
health and safety?
6. Does the Placement Provider maintain and provide safe plant, substances and structures
and ensure that they are used safely, handled and stored without risk to healt
h and safety?
7. Does the Placement Provider have a process for consulting and communicating with all
workers on work health and safety matters and enabling all employees and placement
students to report work health and safety hazards and incidents?
8. Does the workplace have sufficient staffing resources to provide appropriate supervision
that students on a placement are likely to require?
9. Can the workplace provide adequate and maintained facilities (e.g. dining, amenities,
storage, change rooms, showers) to the student over the course of the placement which
includes safe access to the facilities?
10. Will placement students undertake an induction / orientation program which includes
information requested in Items 3 - 11?
11. Does the Placement Provider have process and policies to mange bullying, sexual
harassment and sexual assault?