LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings Attribute Data Dictionary
Attribute Description
LANDFIRE's (LF) Biophysical Settings (BPS) product represents the vegetation that may have been
dominant on the landscape prior to Euro-American settlement. BPS is based on both the current biophysical
environment and an approximation of the historical disturbance regime. Map units are based on
NatureServe's Ecological Systems classification and represent the natural plant communities that may have
been present during the reference period.
11 Open Water
12 Perennial Ice/Snow
31 Barren-Rock/Sand/Clay
381 to 2726 The BPS value is a unique identifier for a unique combination of the BPS_Code and Zone
10010 to 18280
Map units are based on NatureServe's Ecological Systems classification and represent the natural plant
communities that may have been present during the reference period
1 to 99 LANDFIRE Map zone
The BPS_CODE followed by the BPS ZONE
BPS name
Coarse categorization of BpS grouping
Fire Return Interval (FRI) replacement fire
Fire Return Interval mixed fire
Fire Return Interval surface fire
Fire Return Interval all fire. Quantifies the average period between fires under the presumed historical fire
regime. Previously Mean Fire Return Interval (MFRI).
Percent replacement fire. Previously Percent of Replacement-severity Fire (PRS). Quantifies the amount of
replacement-severity fires relative to low- and mixed-severity fires under the presumed historical fire
regime. Replacement severity is defined as greater than 75 percent average top-kill within a typical fire
perimeter for a given vegetation type.
Percent mixed fire. Previously the Percent of Mixed-severity Fire (PMS). Quantifies the amount of mixed-
severity fires relative to low- and replacement-severity fires under the presumed historical fire regime. Mixed
severity is defined as between 25 and 75 percent average top-kill within a typical fire perimeter for a given
vegetation type.
Percent of surface fire. Previously the Percent of Low-severity Fire (PLS). Quantifies the amount of low-
severity fires relative to mixed- and replacement-severity fires under the presumed historical fire regime.
Low severity is defined as less than 25 percent average top-kill within a typical fire perimeter for a given
vegetation type.
Fire Regime Group
I-A Percent replacement fire less than 66.7%, fire return interval 0-5 years
I-B Percent replacement fire less than 66.7%, fire return interval 6-15 years
I-C Percent replacement fire less than 66.7%, fire return interval 16-35 years
II-A Percent replacement fire greater than 66.7%, fire return interval 0-5 years
II-B Percent replacement fire greater than 66.7%, fire return interval 6-15 years
II-C Percent replacement fire greater than 66.7%, fire return interval 16-35 years
III-A Percent replacement fire less than 80%, fire return interval 36-100 years
III-B Percent replacement fire less than 66.7%, fire return interval 101-200 years
IV-A Percent replacement fire greater than 80%, fire return interval 36-100 years
IV-B Percent replacement fire greater than 66.7%, fire return interval 101-200 years
V-A Any severity, fire return interval 201-500 years
V-B Any severity, fire return interval 501 or more years
Red color value range 0 - 1
Green color value range 0 - 1
Blue color value range 0 - 1
Red color value range /255
G Green color value range /255
B Blue color value range /255