Permit Fee $75.00
Permit #
Permit Effective date
Permit Expires
Type of Development Project
Residential Commercial/Industrial Transportation
Description of Land Disturbing Activity:
Total area to be disturbed: Square Feet
Square Feet
Excavating or filling: Cubic Feet
Trenching: Linear Feet
Print: Organization/Contractor and contact person responsible for installation and maintenance of the erosion control practices
I hereby certify that I fully understand the provisions of the City of Oconomowoc, Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Stormwater Management & Erosion
Control Ordinance, and that I accept responsibility for carrying out all the Erosion Sediment Control Plan for the above referenced project as approved
by the City. A complete version of Chapter 19 can be found on the City’s website,
I further grant the right-of-entry onto the property, as described above, to personnel of the City of Oconomowoc for the purpose of inspecting and
monitoring for compliance with the Ordinance.
I certify that all information is correct and that all City Ordinances will be complied with in performing the work for which this permit is issued.
Signature of Property Owner Date
Signature of Agent Date
City of Oconomowoc DPW official Date
Project Name: County: Waukesha
Project Address:
Financial Assurance: Cash, bond, escrow account, irrevocable letter of
credit. The amount to be 110% of the estimated cost of completing the
erosion control, grading and restoration.
Contact Person Direct (24 hr) Phone Number (
area code
Mailing Address Zi
Email Address
Name (Property Owner/Agent)
Contact Person
Mailing Address City State Zip
Email Address (area code) Phone Number
Name (Organization / Contractor)
Contact Person
Mailing Address
Email Address
(area code)
Phone Number
(area code) Fax Number
Cell #/Direct 24 hr Phone Number (area code)
( )
(area code) Fax Number
( )
escription of Construction Activity (include attachment)
Describe the construction activity. Include a description of the site, nature of construction activity, sequence of work, and
proposed structural and soil stabilization best management practices (BMPs).
Plans and Implementation Requirements Explanation for No Plan Sheet
(include all plans) Yes No NA (identify any exemptions) Location Page #
1. Site map is prepared in accordance Chapter 19
2. Erosion and sediment control best management
practices plan is prepared in accordance with
Chapter 19 & DNR Technical Standards.
3. Compliance with mandatory controls:
a. Design meets the 80% reduction of
sediment goal.
b. Inlet protection is provided.
c. Dewatering plan is provided in the
event that dewatering is needed.
d. Tracking control practices are located
at entrances and exists.
e. Building and waste material is properly
handled to prevent Runoff of material
into waters of the state.
f. * BMPs are located prior to waters of the
state, unless in-stream control is required.
4. Inspection schedule and record keeping in accordance
with Chapter 19
5. The Erosion Control Plan has been submitted to and is in
compliance with all requirements of Chapter 19
6. This acknowledges that a copy of the Construction Site
Erosion Control Plan has been prepared, will be kept on
site, and made available upon request.
Technical Standards Employed (check all that apply) Website:
Where the applicant specifies a technical standard, the applicant agrees to adhere to the criteria prescribed in the standard. Where a best management
practice is proposed for which there is no technical standard or the technical standard is not used in whole, references on effectiveness in meeting the
performance standard must be provided.
Erosion and Stabilization Practices: (check all that apply)
Channel Erosion Mat Mulching for Construction Sites Construction Site Diversion Swales
Non-Channel Erosion Mat Ditch Check Seeding for Construction Site Erosion Control
Dust Control on Construction Sites Stone Tracking Pad Land Application of Anionic Polyacrylamide
Temp. Grading Practices for Erosion Control Vegetative Buffer for Construction Sites
Sediment Control Practices: (check all that apply)
Dewatering Silt Curtain* Sediment Bale Barrier (Non-Channel)
Silt Fence Sediment Basin Storm Drain Inlet Protection for Const. Site
Turbidity Barriers* Sediment Trap Water Application of Polymers
*BMPs that are in-stream controls.
V:\Stormwater\Erosion Control Permits\Erosion Control Permit Application Final 2016 with Ordinance.docx
Sec. 19.10. Erosion Control Plan Requirements.
(a) General Erosion Control Plan Requirements and Performance Standards. An erosion control plan shall describe how the permit holder and other
responsible parties will minimize soil erosion and the transport of sediment from land disturbing activities to waters of the state or other property. To
meet this requirement, the following performance standards shall apply:
1. All erosion control plans and associated BMPs shall comply with the planning, design, implementation and maintenance requirements of this
ordinance and the Technical Standards prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
2. All erosion control plans shall by design, achieve to the maximum extent practicable, a runoff discharge of no more than five tons of sediment per
acre per year from sheet and rill erosion during land disturbing activities, as compared with no sediment or erosion controls, until the site is
3. Erosion and sediment control BMPs may be used alone or in combination to meet the above noted performance standard. The requirements of
this Sec. 19.10 are designed to meet this standard.
(b) Guiding Principles for Erosion Control. To satisfy the requirements of this section, an erosion control plan shall adhere to the following guiding
1. Propose grading that best fits the terrain of the site, avoiding steep slopes, wetlands, floodplains, environmental corridors and any applicable
regulatory setbacks from these areas,
2. Minimize, through project phasing and construction sequencing, the time the disturbed soil surface is exposed to erosive forces.
3. Minimize soil compaction, the loss of trees and other natural vegetation and the size of the disturbed area at any one time;
4. Locate erosion control BMPs upstream from where runoff leaves the site or enters waters of the state and outside of wetlands, floodplains,
primary or secondary environmental corridors or isolated natural areas.
5. Emphasize the use of BMPs that prevent soil detachment and transport over those aimed to reduce soil deposition (sedimentation) or repair
erosion damage.
(c) Specific Erosion Control Plan Requirements. The following applicable minimum requirements shall be addressed in erosion control plans. The DPW
may establish more stringent erosion and sediment control requirements than the minimums set forth in this section if the DPW determines that an
added level of protection is needed to protect an environmentally sensitive area or other property, or to address a change made during plan
1. Access Drives and Tracking. Provide access drive(s) for construction vehicles that minimize tracking of soil off site using BMPs such as stone
tracking pads, tire washing or grates. Minimize runoff and sediment from adjacent areas from flowing down or eroding the access drive.
2. Diversion of Upslope Runoff. Divert excess runoff from upslope land, rooftops or other surfaces, if practicable, using BMPs such as earthen
diversion berms, and downspout extenders. Prevent erosion of the flow path and the outlet.
3. Inlet Protection. Protect inlets to storm drains, culverts and other stormwater conveyance systems from siltation until the site is stabilized.
4. Soil Stockpiles. Locate soil stockpiles away from channelized flow and no closer than 25 feet from roads, ditches, lakes, streams, ponds, wetlands
or environmental corridors, unless otherwise approved by the DPW. Control sediment from soil stockpiles. Any soil stockpile that remains
unworked for more than 30 days shall be stabilized.
5. Cut and Fill Slopes. Minimize the length and steepness of proposed cut and fill slopes and stabilize them as soon as practicable.
6. Channel Flow. During construction, trap sediment in channelized flow before discharge from the site using BMPS such as sediment traps and
sediment basins. Complete final grading and stabilize open channels in accordance with DPW standards as soon as practicable, but in no event later
than the first ground freeze or snow cover in the fall.
7. Outlet Protection. Protect outlets from erosion during site dewatering and stormwater conveyance, including velocity dissipation at pipe outfalls
or open channels entering or leaving a stormwater management facility.
8. Overland Flow. Trap sediment in overland flow before discharge from the site using BMPs such as silt fence and vegetative filter strips.
9. Site Dewatering. Treat pumped water to remove sediment prior to discharge from the site, using BMPs such as sediment basins and portable
sediment tanks.
10. Dust Control. Prevent excessive dust from leaving the construction site though construction phasing and timely stabilization or the use of BMPs
such as site watering and mulch especially with very dry or fine sandy soils.
11. Topsoil Application. Save existing topsoil and reapply a minimum of 4 inches to all disturbed areas for final stabilization, unless otherwise
approved by the DPW, such as for temporary seeding or stormwater infiltration BMPs. If adequate topsoil does not exist on the site to meet this
requirement, it shall be imported or a topsoil substitute such as compost may be used, upon approval by the DPW.
12. Waste Material. Recycle or properly dispose all waste and unused building materials in a timely manner. Control runoff from waste materials
until they are removed or reused.
13. Sediment Cleanup. By the end of each workday, clean up all on-site and off-site sediment deposits or tracked soil that originated from the
permitted site. Flushing shall not be allowed unless runoff is treated before discharge from the site.
14. Final Site Stabilization. All previous cropland areas where land disturbing activities will not be occurring under the proposed grading plans shall
be stabilized within 30 days of permit issuance. Stabilize all other disturbed areas within 7 days of final grading and topsoil application. Large sites
shall be treated in stages as final grading is completed in each stage. Any soil erosion that occurs after final grading or the application of stabilization
measures must be repaired and the stabilization work redone.
15. Temporary Site Stabilization. Any disturbed site or portion thereof that remains inactive for greater than 7 days shall be stabilized with
temporary stabilization measures such as soil treatment, temporary seeding or mulching. For purposes of this subsection, “inactive” means that no
site grading, landscaping or utility work is occurring on the site or a portion of the site and that precipitation events are not limiting these activities.
Frozen soils do not exclude the site from this requirement.
16. Removal of Practices. Remove all temporary BMPs such as silt fences, ditch checks and sediment traps as soon as all disturbed areas have been
17. Site Drainage. Site drainage plans shall comply with the provisions of Sec. 19.11(d) 6. below.
18. Stormwater BMP Data. When a Stormwater Permit involves the maintenance of an existing stormwater BMP, including the removal of
accumulated sediment, the DPW may require additional support data such as before/after surveys, design and construction details, and oversight by
a professional engineer licensed in Wisconsin.
(d) Final Erosion Control Plan Contents. The following shall be the minimum requirements for items to be included in a final erosion and sediment
control plan:
1. Sites Less than One Acre of Total Land Disturbance.
A. A narrative describing the proposed land disturbing activity, construction timeline and sequencing, temporary BMPs to be used to minimize off-
site impacts during the construction phase, and proposed methods to stabilize the site following construction in accordance with the requirements
of this ordinance;
B. A survey map or scaled site plan drawing of sufficient clarity showing a north arrow, the location of proposed land disturbance, direction of flow
for runoff entering and leaving the disturbed area, upslope drainage area (if known), proposed BMPs, existing and proposed slopes, ground cover,
buildings, roads, access drives, property boundaries, drainage ways, water bodies, trees, culverts, utilities and other structures within 50 feet of the
proposed land disturbance;
C. The name, address and daytime phone number of the person(s) charged with installing and maintaining all best management practices;
D. For underground utility installations, the plans must delineate where utilities will be installed, show the location of the open cut and the
topography in the area, and list the total lineal feet to be installed and the lineal feet that will be done by open cut; and
E. Other information determined to be necessary by the DPW to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
2. Sites One Acre or Greater in Total Land Disturbance.
A. A site map in accordance with Sec. 19.11 (c) below;
B. A map at a scale of 1 inch equals no more than 100 feet (unless otherwise noted), delineating and labeling the following applicable items:
(i) North arrow, graphic scale, draft date, name and contact information for project engineer or planner and designation of source documents
for all map features.
(ii) Proposed site topography at contour intervals not to exceed two feet, proposed percent slope for all open channels and side slopes and all
proposed runoff discharge points from the site;
(iii) Proposed building envelopes and other land area to be disturbed and size in acres;
(iv) All woodland areas, those proposed to be lost or transplanted during construction and acres or numbers of each. For woodlands proposed
to be lost, show individual trees larger than eight (8) inches in diameter that are located within twenty feet of proposed grading boundaries;
(v) Temporary access drive and specified surface material and minimum depth;
(vi) Temporary flow diversion devices for upslope or roof runoff until site is stabilized;
(vii) Temporary sediment trapping devices for site perimeter and inlets to culverts and storm drains;
(viii) Temporary settling basin or other BMP to be used for site dewatering during utility or other subsurface work;
(ix) Temporary soil stockpile sites indicating setbacks from nearby water resources or environmental corridors and the proposed erosion
protection methods;
(x) Detailed drawings and cross-sections for any sediment traps, basins or other major cut or fill areas requested by the DPW, showing side
slopes and elevations;
(xi) Final stabilization measures for open channels and erosion protection for pipe and channel inlets, outlets and emergency spillways;
(xii) Location of proposed utilities, including: standard cross-section for buried utilities, associated easements, labeling the type of utility and
notes on erosion control and restoration plans;
(xiii) Final site stabilization instructions for all other disturbed areas, showing areas to be stabilized in acres, depth of applied topsoil, seed
types, rates and methodology, fertilizer, sod or erosion matting specifications, maintenance requirements until plants are well established,
and other BMPs used to stabilize the site;
(xiv) Detailed construction notes clearly explaining all necessary procedures to be followed to properly implement the plan, including
estimated starting date of grading, timing and sequence of construction or demolition, any construction stages or phases, utility installation,
dewatering plans, refuse disposal, inspection requirements, and the installation, use, and maintenance of best management practices
proposed in the plan;
(xv) Location of soil evaluations with surface elevations and unique references to supplemental soil evaluations report forms in accordance
with Sec. 19.12(e) below. Also show estimated highest ground water table depths and soil textures down to planned excavation depths,
which may be on a separate map with sufficient references to the proposed site plan.
Note: Water table depths are needed to plan for dewatering activities for excavations and utility installations and to document compliance
with water table separation requirements under sub. 19.11(e) below. The separate map may be at a different scale if needed. Soil textures
help the project engineer and grading contractor plan for excavation, soil stockpiles, earthen berm compaction, pond lining, dust control, site
stabilization and other grading related activities.
(xvi) Spill prevention and response procedures.
(xvii) Other items specified by the DPW as necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance.
C. Supporting information for the plan reviewer only:
(i) A narrative summary of the erosion control plan, briefly explaining the overall plan and, any unique information that led to the selection of
BMPs and how the plan meets the guiding principles under sub. (b) above and the specific requirements under sub. (c) above;
Note: This information may be combined with a narrative for the stormwater management plan under Sec. 19.11(g) 12. The information may
also be useful to the grading contractor and could be included in the construction notes on the plan map under sub. B (xiv) above.
(ii) Summary of design data for any structural BMP such as sediment basins or sediment traps. A professional engineer, licensed in the State of
Wisconsin, shall stamp and sign a statement approving all designs and certifying that they have read the requirements of this ordinance and
that, to the best of their knowledge, the submitted plans comply with the requirements;
(iii) Open channel design and stabilization data to support the selected BMPs for stabilization;
(iv) Soil evaluation reports, in accordance with the standards in Sec. 19.12(e), with unique references and elevations that match the map
under sub. B (xv) above.
(v) Estimated time soil stockpiles will exist to support the selected BMPs for erosion control;
(vi) Documentation that proposed utility locations and installation scheduling has been coordinated with the affected utility companies.
(vii) Documentation of any other calculations used to demonstrate compliance with the performance standards in this section.