9/28/99 Approved
I am requesting (check one
________ One semester at full salary
________ Two semesters at half salary
1. Name ______________________________________ 2. Date ___________________________
3. Department _________________________________ 4. Rank __________________________
5. Degrees held Institutions Date of degrees
_________________ ________________________________ ___________________
_________________ ________________________________ ___________________
_________________ ________________________________ ___________________
6. Work beyond last degree (number of hours, certifications, institutions, date):
7. Year appointed at Lamar ____________
8. Year appointed to present rank _____________
9. Leave is requested for the following semester(s) __________________________________________
INSTRUCTIONS: Supply the information in Items 1 through 9 in the spaces provided above. This page will
serve as a cover sheet. On the second page is a list of items of information requested. Please supply this
information on additional sheets as needed numbering and heading the items. Be brief where possible, but as
full as necessary to provide all the data needed to evaluate your application.
Should this project be supported, I, ______________________________ (the applicant), agree to submit to the
President and the Faculty Senate a progress report approximately midway through the time covered by my leave.
Within two months upon completion of my leave I shall submit a report of the project and its results to the
President and the Faculty Senate. I also agree to continue full-time employment for a minimum of two years at
Lamar-Port Arthur following completion of Faculty Development Leave, should the institution desire to retain my
One copy of your application and supporting material should be sent to your Department Chair. You should
maintain a copy for your records.
Request recommended, Department Chair _____ yes _____ no
Request recommended, Dean _____ yes _____ no
9/28/99 Approved
In order to apply, an applicant must have been a faculty member at Lamar State College-Port Arthur for at
least two consecutive academic years. Service may be as an instructor or an assistant, associate, or full professor or
in an equivalent rank and must be full-time academic duty, but need not include teaching. Faculty member is
defined as a person employed by the institution on full-time basis as a member of the faculty or staff whose duties
include teaching, research, administration, including professional librarians.
Only applications for teaching faculty will be considered by the Faculty Senate. Teaching faculty shall be
defined as those teaching three-fourths (3/4) of their division’s assigned time.
1. The merit of the proposed activity in relation to the aims and purposes of Lamar State
College-Port Arthur as stated in the college bulletin.
2. The merit of the proposed activity as assuring a significant contribution to, or acquisition of,
3. The previously demonstrated initiative of the applicant in professional development such as
research, publications, and professional activities, especially any such undertaken at his or her
own expense.
4. Stated commitment to return to continued service in the profession and at Lamar State
College-Port Arthur.
5. The fact that the project could result in the applicant’s receipt of a terminal degree will not
disqualify its consideration.
6. Statement from the appropriate Dean indicating whether the applicant can be spared for the
leave period.
7. Statements from the appropriate Dean assessing proposal’s merit. Ultimate recommendation
To the Vice President of Academic Affairs may or may not coincide with the assessment of
the Dean
Where committee receives more applications of equal merit than there are leaves available, the following
secondary criteria may be taken into account:
1. Length of service at Lamar.
2. Time lapsed since last development leave.
Applicants are encouraged to consult the representative from their college on the Senate Development
Committee. Any unusual circumstances concerning an application should be clearly understood by the committee
For further information, consult one of the members of the Faculty Development Leave Committee.
9/28/99 Approved
1. Experience in college teaching, research, or related professional activity prior to joining the Lamar
State College-Port Arthur faculty.
2. Description of teaching and research assignments at Lamar State College-Port Arthur, particularly
in your present position. Not courses in the department offering for which you are responsible.
3. Research projects completed or underway.
4. Fellowship and grants previously held.
5. Services rendered to Lamar State College-Port Arthur beyond regular teaching assignments (administrative
or semi-administrative duties, curriculum development, committee work, special assignments).
6. Professional activities: memberships (and especially offices) in professional societies.
7. Community services.
8. Publications, especially any related to the area of study indicated in the application for leave of absence.
9. Date of last leave of absence, of whatever sort, with description of its purpose.
10. Full statement of the purposes for which this leave is requested, both general and specific, in accord with
the purposes of the Development Leave Program. Make clear ways in which your project will enrich any
of the following: yourself, your division, and the college as a whole.
11. Any other financial aid in the form of grants, fellowships available to you or being sought.
12. Sponsorship or recognition (but without financial assistance) of your proposed project by any professional
organization, other institution, or the like.
13. Formal courses, if any, to be taken in a university. Libraries to be used; research facilities to be used.
Explain especially the need to maintain residence for specific periods of time elsewhere than in the Port
Arthur area.
14. Statement of plans to combine portions of the semester after the period of leave with the activities for
which the leave is requested.
15. Statement of your present intention to remain in the profession and to continue service at Lamar State
College-Port Arthur.
16. Attach supporting evidence from your Program Director/Department Head and the Dean of your division.
In addition to indicating whether an application can be spared by the department for the leave period, the
Program Director and the Dean should provide some assessment of proposal’s merit.
17. While the Development Leave Committee will, of course, give careful attention to such information, its
ultimate recommendation to the President may or may not coincide with the assessment of the Program
Director/Department Head and/or Dean.
18. Signature of the applicant.