Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Open University Approval Form
Complete this form to obtain a permission number for Open University course enrollments in any
CI, COUN, EAD, EHD, ERE, LEE, REHAB, & SPED course with the exception of CI 161 or
any of the following prerequisite courses: CI 100, CI 149, COUN 174, COUN 176, EHD 50,
ERE 153, SPED 120.
Disclaimer: Taking a prerequisite course does not guarantee your acceptance into a program.
Student Name (print) Student ID #
Student Signature Date
Course #
(e.g. CI 225)
Class #
(e.g. 79905)
1. Instructor’s permission to take the course.
Instructor signature Date
2. Meet with a Program Coordinator for the class regarding Open University.
Curriculum & Instruction
Carol Fry Bohlin
ED 250
Marinn Pierce
ED 350
Early Childhood Education
Cathy Yun
ED 250
Education Administration
Linda Hauser
ED 350
Master’s in Teaching
Walter Ullrich
ED 250
HEAL Pathway
Susana Hernandez
ED 350
Tony Vang
ED 250
Pupil Personnel Services
Song Lee
ED 350
Multiple Subject
Lisa Bennett
ED 250
Rehabilitation Counseling
Jenelle Pitt
ED 350
Imelda Basurto
ED 250
SACC Counselor Education
Kyoung Mi Choi
ED 350
Single Subject
Libby Miller
ED 250
Special Education
Cheryl McDonald
ED 250
This student has permission to enroll in the approved course through Open University.
Program Coordinator Signature Date
Permission #
With the permission number you can enroll online for the above mentioned course by going to the
Student Center at