B. Grants Development Coordinator (GDC)
i. Research grants that support programs, campus-wide improvements and initiatives,
and innovation after consultation with PIs, Division/Unit Chairperson, Program
Coordinators, and/or Executive Management to identify needs and projects.
ii. Provide guidance and assistance in the interpretation of funding regulations and
iii. Identify trends in policies and funding that may impact the KauCC and advise
Executive Management,
iv. When required, collaborate with PI and IR to create an Evaluation Plan and/or Data
Management Plan.
v. Research, write, compile, and submit grant proposal in collaboration with PIs.
vi. Provide the FA with a draft of the grant proposal budget, which includes the budget
narrative, at least two (2) weeks prior to the grant submission date.
vii. Liaise with ORS regarding all aspects of grant proposal development, submission,
and management.
viii. Works with PI and/or Project Manager to ensure coordination of post-award grants to
ensure that administrative policies, procedures, and agency requirements are being
ix. Assist PI and FA with the monitoring, reporting, and renewal of existing grants.
x. Provide PIs and Executive Management with biannual reports (August and February)
on the status of current and pending grants.
C. Fiscal Administrator (FA)
i. Review grant proposal budgets prior to submission to ORS.
ii. Upon award, establishes and/or communicates new account numbers to the PI and/or
Program Manager.
iii. Establishes and/or communicates approved budget within Kuali Financial System.
iv. Submits RCUH Financial and Human Resource Portal access forms, once they are
completed and provided by the PI.
v. Assists PI with assuring all project costs are allowable, allocable, and reasonable and
posted in a timely manner to the Kuali Financial System.
vi. Works with the PI to confirm final expenditures for financial account.
vii. Verifies that encumbrances and expense items are cleared.
viii. Provides approval to process final invoice and/or report.
ix. Provides detailed schedules and backup documentation, if required by sponsor.
x. Provides the PI and GDC with expenditure reports semi-annually, per the reporting
schedule developed by the PI.
D. Human Resources (HR)
i. Review all hiring requests and provide employee data in grant proposals prior to
submission to ensure they adhere to UH policies and procedures (at least three (3)
weeks prior to the grant due date).
ii. Provide PIs with RCUH HR contact information.
iii. Collaborate with PI and GDC to ensure correct personnel costs, including fringe
benefits, are included in grant proposals.