NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________________________
Date submitted: _______________ Person Requesting Renewal: __________________________
Was the organization registered in the most recent academic year? Check one: Yes No
If yes, your organization may use this form to renew its registration.
If no, your organization may not use this form to register. Please fill out the Kapi`olani Registered Independent
Organization Application for Registration.
Has the organization’s constitution/charter changed* since your previous registration/renewal?
Check one: Yes No
If no, your organization may use this form to renew its registration.
If yes, your organization may not use this form to register. Please fill-out the Registered Independent
Organization Application for Registration.
*Changing your constitution/charter includes any changes to the organization’s name, purpose, membership,
organizational structure or operating procedures, which your organization has on record with the Office of Student
Activities (OSA).
1. Main Contact Person: __________________________ *8-digit UH Number _____________
UH Email: _________________@hawaii.edu Position in the RIO: ______________________
Phone contact: _______________ Kapi`olani Affiliation: ____________________________________
Home Cellular Other: ______________
(Student, Faculty, Staff; For Faculty & Staff. Please include Dept.)
The designated contact person is required to attend a RIO Orientation session with the OSA Office. Has the contact
person listed above attended an RIO Orientation session?
Check one: Yes No If yes,
date: ______________. If no, please contact the OSA office to sign up for an orientation session.
The designated contact person is required to sign the “Agreement for a Registered Independent Organization” Form. Has
the contact person listed above previously signed the agreement on behalf of this organization?
If no, please sign and submit
the agreement with this renewal application. The agreement is available at the
Check one: Yes No
2. _____________________________________ *8-digit UH Number: _________________
UH Email
: _______________ @hawaii.edu Position in the RIO: _____________________
Phone contact: _____________
Kapi`olani Affiliation:__________________________________
Home Cellular Other: _____________________ (Student, Faculty, Staff; For Faculty & Staff. Please include Dept.)