© 2012 Committee for Children www.secondstep.org 800-634-4449
K–5 Second Step Lesson Observation Form
The K–5 Second Step Lesson Observation Form can guide you in the lesson observation process and help you
recognize and encourage effective program use.
Lesson Observation Process
Before You Observe
Arrange a time with the teacher to come and observe a lesson.
Preview the lesson materials (for example, the unit card, lesson card, and Following Through card).
For a more complete picture of overall teacher implementation, have the teacher complete other
implementation tools (all found on www.secondstep.org), such as the Lesson Completion Checklist, Lesson
Reinforcement Checklist, Lesson Reflection Log, and Success Stories Log, for other lessons before or after
the lesson you’re observing.
While You Observe
Use the attached form to track evidence of effective teaching in the following categories:
• Preparation
• Lesson fidelity
• Student engagement strategies
• Teaching strategies
• Management strategies
• Reinforcement (Note: You might only observe use of the Using Skills Every Day model during the
lesson. Talk with the teacher after you observe about other ways he or she reinforces lesson skills and
concepts. Have the teacher track reinforcement activities with the Lesson Reinforcement Checklist.)
Tip: If you have access to a digital video recording device, use it to record the teacher teaching the lesson.
Show the footage to the teacher to illustrate examples of effective teaching and areas of challenge.
After You Observe
Point out and praise ways the teacher is being successful.
Discuss areas of challenge observed by you and/or identified by the teacher.
Point the teacher toward resources and supports that address areas of challenge
(for example, in the online Teaching Guide).
© 2012 Committee for Children www.secondstep.org 800-634-4449
K–5 Second Step Lesson Observation Form
Teacher Name: ______________________________ Date: _________ Grade Level: ____________________________
Lesson Number: _____________________________ Lesson Name: __________________________________________
Category Effective Teaching Exemplars Clearly Evident Partially Evident Not Evident
Has materials ready beforehand
Seems familiar with lesson activities
Lesson Fidelity
Teaches all lesson parts completely
and sequentially
Follows the script or covers the same
ideas in own words
Tailors examples/scenarios to students’
Relates concepts to students’
Checks for comprehension
Uses think-time
Calls on students at random
Uses nonjudgmental responses
Models skills
Uses an attention signal
Uses nonverbal response techniques
Partners students quickly and
Follows pacing guidelines described in
the Teaching Guide
Uses low-key responses to deal with
off-task behavior
Breaks down directions for optimal
Reinforces the lesson with Daily
Practice Activities
Follows the Using Skills Every Day
Sends Home Links to students’
Does Academic Integration Activities