JV-131 (Rev. 12/30/2013)
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Trial Court of Massachusetts
Juvenile Court Department
(If petitioner is married, his/her spouse must sign the petition.)
2. The petitioner(s) is(are) of sufficient ability to rear the child, and to provide suitable support and education for the child;
3. the child has resided for at least six months in the home of the petitioner(s).
the child was the subject of a proceeding pursuant to M. G. L. c. 210, § 3 or pursuant to M. G. L. c. 119, § 26 wherein
the Court dispensed with the need for consent or notice to the parent(s) on a petition for adoption.
the child was the subject of a surrender which was executed pursuant to M. G. L. c. 210, § 2. At the time of her
surrender, the mother was years old. At the time of his surrender, the father was years old.
the child is a blood relative or stepchild of the petitioner(s).
the child is in the care and custody of the petitioner(s).
WHEREFORE, they (he/she) request(s) that the Court, grant them (him/her) leave to adopt said child; and (if applicable)
waive the residence requirement for good cause: (explain)
Signature of Petitioner No. 1
Signature of Spouse/Petitioner No. 2
Petitioner No. 1 Petitioner No. 2
(PRINT name of petitioner) (PRINT name of petitioner)
(street address) (street address)
(city or town/state/zip code) (county)(city or town/state/zip code) (county)
(telephone number) (telephone number)
state that they are (he/she is) desirous of adopting the following child:
(name of mother or parent No. 1) (name of father or parent No. 2)
(street address)(street address)
(city or town/state/zip code) (city or town/state/zip code)
decree that said child's name be changed to that of
(name of child)
Date of Birth: Place of Birth: