Junior Auxiliary of Hot Springs
Scholarship Application
Confidential and Personal
*** For your application to be considered, you MUST:
1. Complete this application form.
2. Include ONE personal letter of recommendation from a non-family member.
3. Attach your essay.
4. Email or have postmarked by March 13, 2020. Applications will not be accepted after this date
To ensure that your personal information is kept confidential, this page will only be reviewed by
the Scholarship Chairman. A financial scale has been developed for the purpose of evaluation
and a generic code will be used for the committee evaluations.
Applicant name: Age:
Household Income: List anyone in your household who has work income (includes self-em-
ployment, babysitting, etc.)
Name Relationship to applicant Occupation Annual Income
Number of children (18 years or younger) living in the house and their ages:
Any additional financial information or special circumstances you wish to share, please write
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Financial Evaluation Application #
(JA use only) (JA use only)
Junior Auxiliary of Hot Springs
Scholarship Application
Applicant Name (please print)
Mailing Address
Alternate Phone
Email Address
Parent or Guardian’s Names (if applicable)
Applicant Occupation Information
Applicant’s current occupation (if any)
Please circle one: Full Time or Part Time
How long have you been with your current
employer? Give a brief job description.
Previous job
How long were you there?
Give a brief description of that job.
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Current School Information
School You Currently Attend:
School Counselor Name and Phone Number:
School Counselor Address:
High School Grade Point Average:
Junior Year Senior Year (Counselor Initial required)
College Grade Point Average (if applicable)
(Counselor Initial required)
Highest ACT score:
Honors or Awards you have received:
Clubs participated in/Offices held:
Community/Volunteer Service:
Where do you plan to attend college?
What is your anticipated major/career choice?
How do you anticipate funding your education?
Have you applied for the Junior Auxiliary of Hot Springs scholarship in prior years?
If yes, how many times, and were you awarded a scholarship.
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If yes, how much?
Please list all other expected scholarships/financial assistance including amounts
Applicant Signature Date
Please write a short essay (at least one page, double spaced) that includes the following:
1. What are your career goals?
2. Why are you choosing that career?
3. Why is it important to volunteer in your community?
***This essay is the most important part of your application for this scholarship.***
For your application to be considered, you MUST:
1. Complete this application form.
2. Include ONE personal letter of recommendation from a non-family member.
(Please consider thoughtfully your choice--this is also weighted.)
3. Attach your essay.
(The essay and letter of recommendation are the ONLY attachments that you should
submit, and that will be accepted.)
Once you have all of the required items, please submit in one of the following ways:
Hot Springs Junior Auxiliary
PO Box 1326
Hot Springs, AR 71902
All required items MUST BE attached as a Microsoft Word, Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF docu-
Please indicate in the Subject Line: JA Scholarship Application
If you have any questions please contact Maggie Holt at info@jaofhotsprings.com
Applications are also available on our website: www.jaofhotsprings.com
Applications must be post-marked or emailed by March 13, 2020.
Incomplete applications WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
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