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Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court
Probate and Family Court
Docket No.
Case name:
Payor is
Recipient is
MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM LEVELS - Section II. C. of the Child Support Guidelines
The combined gross income of the parties exceeds $250,000.
IMPUTATION OF INCOME - Section I. D. of the Child Support Guidelines
income of $
The Court finds that
the payor
has gross income that is undocumented or unreported. Accordingly, the Court imputes
based on:
income of $
The Court finds that
the recipient
has gross income that is undocumented or unreported. Accordingly, the Court imputes
based on:
ATTRIBUTION OF INCOME - Section I. E. of the Child Support Guidelines
The Court finds that
the payor
is capable of working and is unemployed or underemployed.
The Court determines that
the payor
is earning less than could be earned through reasonable effort.
based on:Accordingly, the Court attributes income of $
The Court determines that
the recipient
is earning less than could be earned through reasonable effort.
The Court finds that
the recipient
is capable of working and is unemployed or underemployed.
based on:Accordingly, the Court attributes income of $
CHILD SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN AGES 18 AND 23 - Section II. F. of the Child Support Guidelines
is 18 or older and attending high school, but shall not be
considered to be under age 18 for purposes of the guidelines and Table B because:
The Court finds that the
(first born, second born, etc.)
is 18 or older and attending high school, but shall not be
considered to be under age 18 for purposes of the guidelines and Table B because:
The Court finds that the
(first born, second born, etc.)
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Docket No.
costs of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst because:
The Court finds that
the payor
has the ability to pay an amount higher than 50% of the undergraduate, in-state resident
CONTRIBUTION TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION - Section II. G. of the Child Support Guidelines
costs of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst because:
The Court finds that
the recipient
has the ability to pay an amount higher than 50% of the undergraduate, in-state resident
HEALTH CARE COVERAGE - Section II. H. of the Child Support Guidelines
The Court determines that the additional cost paid by
the payor
to insure a person not covered by the child support order
gross income on the guidelines worksheet.
cost of such coverage creates an undue hardship on
the payor
Health care coverage is available to
the payor
through employment or other means at a reasonable cost. However, the
unreasonably reduces the amount of child support. The Court allows $ per week to be deducted from
from gross income on the guidelines worksheet.
per week to be deducted order unreasonably reduces the amount of child support. The Court allows $
The Court determines that the additional cost paid by
the recipient
to insure a person not covered by the child support
DENTAL/VISION INSURANCE - Section II. I. of the Child Support Guidelines
The Court determines that the additional cost paid by
the payor
to insure a person not covered by the child support order
unreasonably reduces the amount of child support. The Court allows $
gross income on the guidelines worksheet.
per week to be deducted from
from gross income on the guidelines worksheet.
per week to be deducted order unreasonably reduces the amount of child support. The Court allows $
The Court determines that the additional cost paid by
the recipient
to insure a person not covered by the child support
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Docket No.
Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Other(specify)
However, the Court finds the presumptiveness of the guidelines has been rebutted because, after considering the best
interests of the child, the application of the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate.
the parties agree and the Court has reviewed and approved their agreement dated
a child has ongoing special needs or aptitudes with financial consequences
a child has ongoing extraordinary mental, physical, or developmental needs with financial consequences
a parent
has ongoing extraordinary mental, physical, or
developmental needs with financial consequences
a parent has extraordinary expenses for health care
a parent has extraordinary travel or other expenses
related to parenting
a parent is absorbing a child care cost that is
disproportionate in relation to his or her income
a parent provides substantially less than one-third of the
parenting time for a child or children
the payor is incarcerated and has insufficient financial resources to pay support
application of the guidelines, particularly in low income cases, leaves a parent
without the ability to self support
application of the guidelines would result in a gross disparity in the standard of living between the two households such
that one household is left with an unreasonably low percentage of the combined available income
temporarily removed from the household in accordance with G. L. c. 119
application of the guidelines may adversely impact reunification of a parent and child where the child has been
interests of the child, considering the Principles of the Child Support Guidelines
absent deviation, application of the guidelines would lead to an order that is unjust, inappropriate or not in the best
deviation still exists, deviation continues to be in the child's best interest, and the guidelines amount would be unjust or
inappropriate under the circumstances
this is a modification of an order that deviated from the guidelines at the time it entered and the facts that gave rise to the
guidelines is $
DEVIATION - Section IV. of the Child Support Guidelines
The specific circumstance of the case which justify departure from the guidelines are:
The guidelines are applicable in this case. The amount of the child support order that would result from the application of the
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Docket No.
After hearing, at which
and/ or
was present, the Court entered an order dated
was ordered to pay child support in the amount of
Judge of the Probate and Family Court