If there is additional information that you feel we should know, please explain:
If we have any questions, we may ask you to meet with us for a short interview. All applicants will be
notified of a decision around mid-May. We recommend that you check your ACORN regularly as you
are required to accept/reject our offer by May 17th.
Deadline for Applications: April 13, 2020
Students intending to declare New Media Studies program after taking MDSA01H3 and/or
MDSA02H3 in Summer 2020, are also required to submit the form by April 13, 2020.
Materials can be sent electronically to acm-pa@utsc.utoronto.ca with “New Media Studies
Application” in the subject line
Printed copies of your application can be dropped off at AA325 (slide under door)
As part of the application procedure, you must also request the New
Media Studies Joint Program Subject POSt on ROSI using the ROSI code
Students will be sent an offer on ACORN by May 14, 2020.