Begin with your present employer or your last job. List a promotion as a new job. List all employers. Attach extra pages if needed.
Telephone (Including Area Code)
Name and Title of Supervisor
May we contact your present employer for a reference? Yes No
Telephone (Including Area Code)
Name and Title of Supervisor
May we contact your previous employer for a reference? Yes No
Telephone (Including Area Code)
Name and Title of Supervisor
May we contact your previous employer for a reference? Yes No
List at least two responsible adults who have knowledge of your work ethic, experience, and ability.
Telephone # (Incl. Area Code)
Read Carefully Before Signing:
I certify that there are no misrepresentations, omissions, or falsifications in the foregoing statements and answers, and that the entries
made by me are true and complete.
I further agree and consent in advance that any misrepresentation or falsification of any of the above information shall be cause, without
any hearing, for rejection of this application, or termination of employment, depending upon when the falsification is discovered.
I also consent for the City of Ecorse to verify the information I have provided including my educational and professional certifications, and
check with previous employers. I release the City and previous employers from any liability arising from disclosure of information
concerning my past employment or personal history.
I agree and understand that any employment offer will be contingent upon the successful completion of a background investigation and
post-offer medical exam.
Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period of time and my employment and compensation can be
terminated at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, at the option of either the employer or myself, unless otherwise
provided by union contracts, applicable handbook rules or written employment agreement signed by the City Administrator.
Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________