The potential shadowers will make an initial request to their immediate supervisor. Before
starting any placement, the potential shadower should consider what they hope to gain from
the experience, and any learning objectives they might have.
In addition, they will need to think about how it would fit in with their general professional
development needs; questions they might want an answer to; and how it will fit in with their
It would be advisable to consider any aspects of the role the shadower may want to review, and
discuss this with their shadow coach beforehand, so that the shadowing session may be
planned accordingly.
Placement should be a minimum of a half-day and should not exceed two full working days.
Job shadowing is limited to observation only; the shadower would not be expected to offer
direct work experience, responsibility, or skills.
Before agreeing to any shadowing request, the shadower’s supervisor will need to assess the
resource implications and consider the following questions in order to determine the
appropriateness of the request:
How will it assist the employee (shadower) to carry out current role?
Will it allow for learning opportunities and professional development?
Will it help to develop a greater understanding of the role and structure of the section?
1. To participate, shadowers will need to make a request in writing to their supervisor,
using the Job Shadow Application Form (see attached). Supervisors may also suggest a
job shadow arrangement for an employee.
2. If the supervisor agrees to the request, the shadower will;
3. Seek a person to become a shadow coach and inform them of the interest.
4. Arrange mutually convenient times/dates with the shadow coach and their supervisor.
5. The shadower will then ensure all practical arrangements are made and liaise with their
shadow coach.
6. Shadowers must operate within the bounds of any departmental confidentiality policy.
7. At the end of the session, the shadower and the shadow coach will need to discuss the
experience and provide feedback. In addition, the shadower will arrange a review with
their supervisor.