OFFICIAL: Sensitive
Job Placement Services
Outcome report – 26 week durability fee
Claim and referral details
Worker name
Date of Birth Claim Number
Claims Agent Claims Manager
JPS provider Date of Referral
Placement fee requested
Outcome Requested
☐ JB460 – at or above Notional Weekly Earnings
☐ JB462 – at or above Full Pre-Injury Hours
☐ JB464 – less than Notional Weekly Earnings
☐ JB466 – less than Full Pre-Injury Hours
Evidence of income, hours and durable placement (attached)
☐ Payslip ☐ Employment contract ☐ Employer document ☐ Other
Please describe
Durability information
Placement Start Date: 26 working weeks end date:
Re-anchoring (where relevant)
Start date: End date (max 10 days):
Previous payments (where relevant)
Have there been one or more 26-week durability fee
claimed per job placement for this worker?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If you have answered YES, you are not eligible to claim the 26-week
durability fee
Average Weekly Earnings (Enter values from JPS Eligibility Calculator)
Cumulative salary paid from week 14 to 26 during durable placement $
Cumulative 13 weeks’ average weekly earnings $
Percentage of average weekly earnings %
Working Hours
Pre Injury Hours per week
Current hour per week per week