Revised: May 2019 Office of the Registrar
Matriculated JD students may apply to participate in this program after the completion of two semesters of law school, for full-time
students, and after three terms for part-time students.
Student Information:
____________________________________ _________________________
Name GGU ID# or SS#
____________________________________ _________________________
E-mail address Phone Number
Current Law School Status:
First-Year JD Program Type: Full-time
Second-Year Honors Lawyering Program
Third-Year Part-time
Number of units completed towards JD at this point: _______
Current Business School Status:
I am applying for admission to the MBA program as a joint degree student.
I am currently enrolled in the MBA program.
Number of units completed towards MBA at this point: _______
Anticipated graduation month & year for both degrees: ________/________
I have read the requirements for completing the joint degree program contained in the Student Handbook and agree to abide by the
rules pertaining to the program.
I understand that my JD degree will not be granted until I complete the MBA degree program requirements.
____________________________________ ____________________
Signature Date
Administrative Action:
Student has a cumulative Required Courses GPA of 2.30 or better:
Yes No ______________________________________ __________
Director of Law Student Services Signature Date
Admissions decision:
Approved Denied ______________________________________ __________
University Admissions Officer Signature Date
The Law School Registrar’s Office will attach copies of student’s JD application, non-GGU transcripts on file, and LSDAS report before sending to
University Admissions.
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